As a boy I learned to love reading and writing, but not from school. This post will discuss one of the reasons why.

There’s an “educational” practice that was alive and well when I was a schoolboy, and which I – not the least because I am a former English teacher – not only to unconditionally discourage, but also encourage parents to protest whenever their children are subject to it. It’s the practice of teachers punishing students – overwhelmingly boys – by writing sentences.

While this disciplinary practice may seem trivial in and of itself, I think we would do well to remember a few things. Most notably, boys are roughly a year and a half behind girls when it comes to verbal concepts and literacy skills. In 2001 the Educational Testing Service measured that the gap favoring girls in writing concepts is six times greater than the gap favoring boys in math concepts [1]. That’s quite a gap.

Given these disparities, it makes sense to inquire into what barriers exist in helping boys approach equity in literacy skills. In Misreading Masculinity Dr. Thomas Newkirk argued that the literature boys love is often stifled by teachers who simply don’t share their literary preferences: adventure stories that employ some element of physical conflict, or stories involving subversive (but not obscene) humor.

I’d like to add the punishment of “writing sentences” to the list of things that need to change or be done away with. And I’m not alone in this. The National Council of Teachers of English drafted a resolution condemning this practice. Here is part of their reasoning:

This resolution stemmed from concern among teachers of English about research findings showing continued widespread use of writing as punishment by teachers and administrators in elementary and secondary schools.

Using writing for punishment, NCTE members warned, distorts the principles and defeats the purposes of instruction in this important life skill and causes students to dislike an activity necessary to their intellectual development and career success.

NCTE discourage teachers, administrators, and others from making a punishment of such writing as copywork, sentence repetition, original paragraphs and themes, and other assignments which inhibit desired attitudes and essential communication skills.

Teaching students to conceptualize an educational practice as a punishment should be the last thing that comes to mind to good educators. Although the above condemnation was written by the NCTE as far back as 1984, the practice of using writing as a punishment remained widespread.

It is hard to overstate the value of literacy skills and the mastery of verbal concepts. When a young man gets to college, no matter what class he is taking, there will usually be a writing assignment at some point.

My own experiences reflect this. When I was a writing tutor at Texas A&M we had a traditional end-of-semester rush of students trying to finish their science papers. They always put them off to the last minute (students often put off writing assignments, but these papers tended to be worse).

When I took Kinesiology 101, which was basically a “learn how to do basic exercises and eat right” class, we had to keep a daily journal wherein we not only logged what we did, but also logged our process of reasoning on what we thought worked, and why. And of course almost any humanities course – history, English, anthropology, etc – will require you to write numerous papers.

Since being able to communicate clearly and effectively is an indispensable tool of business, men will also need good writing skills when they go out into the working world.

Some might make the argument that the practice of punishing boys by writing sentences serves an “educational value” in that it forces boys to “sharpen and explore their skills” in reading and writing. But it doesn’t. It just makes them hate writing.

After all, they aren’t writing stories about robots battling each other with laser beams and swords of lightning. They are writing the same five or six words over and over again, which hardly gives them room to explore writing. It could be said that they are “learning,” however: learning that writing is monotonous and punishing.

Some might also make the argument that this form of punishment isn’t anti-male in that there is nothing about writing sentences that is in itself anti-male. While that may be true, it is nonetheless the case that boys make up the vast majority of disciplinary referrals and students punished overall. If we punished girls who wore inappropriate clothing by making them do tedious and extremely repetitive math problems that eventually made them hate doing math, there is little doubt that an argument about gender (and gender equity) would arise.

I would also like to note that punishing students by forcing them to write monotonous 5-word sentences is a hallmark of an authoritarian mind. Quite simply, it is brainwashing. It lacks creativity and the ability to actually relate to boys.

If the goal of writing sentences is “character education” (there’s a buzzword for you), then working through people who can relate to boys is the best practice – hence the value of male mentoring programs. But trying to brainwash boys through monotonous repetition will not help you reach them; it will just make what they are doing feel like a prison ritual.

A brief word to fellow men’s advocates: I think it would be well to note that this is a good example of a practice that is bad for boys but isn’t directly caused by anti-male gender ideologies like feminism or traditionalism. It’s simply one of those things that just is.

Granted, if we didn’t have ideologies in place that tend to scoff at the idea of educational equity for men and boys, we might be having these conversations much sooner and more often. But once the wall that blocks us from discussing these issues is broken down, we can’t assume that everything will just work out on its own. We need to be able to have a conversation about what educational practices work best for boys.

And making boys hate writing by forcing them to write bland sentences over and over again isn’t one of them.

Thank You for Reading

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About the Author

Jonathan Taylor is Title IX for All's founder, editor, web designer, and database developer.

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  1. Bridget 10/07/2014 at 9:20 pm

    I do agree that it’s stupid to make any student do that. I had to copy the dictionary for whatever period, starting at whatever word I left off at previously. I happen to be good with words (but not grammar or punctuation so maybe I should have been forced to memorize the comma section), and I like writing, but academics should Never be a punishment. I just don’t see how it punishes boys just because they’re at a disadvantage in reading (isn’t that because their brains are designed differently and therefore learn reading differently? I heard that was true of girls and math), I think it’s just as bad to make both genders run laps or do pushups. Sure, there’s muscle building but I don’t think it helps. I guess I hate seeing academics, exercise, food, and things like that used as punishment or rewards.

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 10/08/2014 at 2:59 pm

      There’s substantial evidence that the differences in aptitudes between boys and girls is – at least in part – due to how they are hardwired. But there are a lot of sociological factors that also influence how they embrace learning as well.

      Ideally, I think that – even assuming that men and women have different aptitudes – that we would try to shore up them with accommodations in instructional methods that acknowledge these differences, rather than saying “well that’s just how boys and girls are” and leaving it there, which tends to reinforce them.

  2. Trevor Smith 10/09/2014 at 5:17 am

    Absolutely Jonathan, we should review what we consider even our most ‘benign’ punishments as they are often derived from the assumption of male disposability. But as you suggest, the most important factor is childhood developmental variances and the gender distinctions.
    The feminists want a comfortable and nurturing learning space, without the antagonism of competition and “rough housing”, so in turn we accommodate them. Because to do otherwise we are sexism monsters. But the boys success can dwindle into the toilet, because the feminists are quite comfortable victimizing small boys.

    I always find wisdom in Mr. Thomas Sowell who reminds us that everyone clamours for justice, without a lot of thought into what defines justice.

  3. Mike Huhndorf 10/12/2014 at 12:16 am

    I don’t know anymore what constitutes fair puishment or consequences for misbahavior. The sentence routine is mindless. Copying the dictionary does have the potential to teach but if the mind is merely copying words it is equally mindless. How about essays that require inquiry? Or essays that require some thought on the why the behavior was inappropriate. That would also require some scrutiny and critical thinking as well as enhance writing skills.

  4. Your Mom 05/12/2015 at 6:04 am

    This is child abuse, and did me irreparable harm in elementary school. … My mother also made me copy lines from books to punish me at home. … Never thought of it as ‘brainwashing’ before … that characterization made me remember back. … I think I wrote things along the lines of “I will raise my hand before talking” or “I will not interrupt Ms. So-and-so” or “I will not run in the hallways.” … Come to think of it … I never had any male teachers make me do it … the article made me think–I had only female teachers from Kindergarten to like grade 4 or something … that where the literary abuse took place. … Very insightful … come to think of it, I guess it was brainwashing, although it certainly didn’t work. … Never thought of it that way before. … The more significant part of it is that it conceptualizes the literary faculty as a punishment … that could literally destroy someone’s mind … It’s basically an intellectual act of violence … like when people jokingly make someone punch/slap themselves … except it’s a mental version of thought by someone in authority, making them condition themselves into hating writing …

    This was just an excellent article, about something I still think about to this day …

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Research due process and similar lawsuits by students accused of Title IX violations (sexual assault, harassment, dating violence, stalking, etc.) in higher education.

Research resolved Title IX investigations of K-12 and postsecondary institutions by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

A basic directory for looking up Title IX attorneys, most of whom have represented parties in litigation by accused students.

As a boy I learned to love reading and writing, but not from school. This post will discuss one of the reasons why.

There’s an “educational” practice that was alive and well when I was a schoolboy, and which I – not the least because I am a former English teacher – not only to unconditionally discourage, but also encourage parents to protest whenever their children are subject to it. It’s the practice of teachers punishing students – overwhelmingly boys – by writing sentences.

While this disciplinary practice may seem trivial in and of itself, I think we would do well to remember a few things. Most notably, boys are roughly a year and a half behind girls when it comes to verbal concepts and literacy skills. In 2001 the Educational Testing Service measured that the gap favoring girls in writing concepts is six times greater than the gap favoring boys in math concepts [1]. That’s quite a gap.

Given these disparities, it makes sense to inquire into what barriers exist in helping boys approach equity in literacy skills. In Misreading Masculinity Dr. Thomas Newkirk argued that the literature boys love is often stifled by teachers who simply don’t share their literary preferences: adventure stories that employ some element of physical conflict, or stories involving subversive (but not obscene) humor.

I’d like to add the punishment of “writing sentences” to the list of things that need to change or be done away with. And I’m not alone in this. The National Council of Teachers of English drafted a resolution condemning this practice. Here is part of their reasoning:

This resolution stemmed from concern among teachers of English about research findings showing continued widespread use of writing as punishment by teachers and administrators in elementary and secondary schools.

Using writing for punishment, NCTE members warned, distorts the principles and defeats the purposes of instruction in this important life skill and causes students to dislike an activity necessary to their intellectual development and career success.

NCTE discourage teachers, administrators, and others from making a punishment of such writing as copywork, sentence repetition, original paragraphs and themes, and other assignments which inhibit desired attitudes and essential communication skills.

Teaching students to conceptualize an educational practice as a punishment should be the last thing that comes to mind to good educators. Although the above condemnation was written by the NCTE as far back as 1984, the practice of using writing as a punishment remained widespread.

It is hard to overstate the value of literacy skills and the mastery of verbal concepts. When a young man gets to college, no matter what class he is taking, there will usually be a writing assignment at some point.

My own experiences reflect this. When I was a writing tutor at Texas A&M we had a traditional end-of-semester rush of students trying to finish their science papers. They always put them off to the last minute (students often put off writing assignments, but these papers tended to be worse).

When I took Kinesiology 101, which was basically a “learn how to do basic exercises and eat right” class, we had to keep a daily journal wherein we not only logged what we did, but also logged our process of reasoning on what we thought worked, and why. And of course almost any humanities course – history, English, anthropology, etc – will require you to write numerous papers.

Since being able to communicate clearly and effectively is an indispensable tool of business, men will also need good writing skills when they go out into the working world.

Some might make the argument that the practice of punishing boys by writing sentences serves an “educational value” in that it forces boys to “sharpen and explore their skills” in reading and writing. But it doesn’t. It just makes them hate writing.

After all, they aren’t writing stories about robots battling each other with laser beams and swords of lightning. They are writing the same five or six words over and over again, which hardly gives them room to explore writing. It could be said that they are “learning,” however: learning that writing is monotonous and punishing.

Some might also make the argument that this form of punishment isn’t anti-male in that there is nothing about writing sentences that is in itself anti-male. While that may be true, it is nonetheless the case that boys make up the vast majority of disciplinary referrals and students punished overall. If we punished girls who wore inappropriate clothing by making them do tedious and extremely repetitive math problems that eventually made them hate doing math, there is little doubt that an argument about gender (and gender equity) would arise.

I would also like to note that punishing students by forcing them to write monotonous 5-word sentences is a hallmark of an authoritarian mind. Quite simply, it is brainwashing. It lacks creativity and the ability to actually relate to boys.

If the goal of writing sentences is “character education” (there’s a buzzword for you), then working through people who can relate to boys is the best practice – hence the value of male mentoring programs. But trying to brainwash boys through monotonous repetition will not help you reach them; it will just make what they are doing feel like a prison ritual.

A brief word to fellow men’s advocates: I think it would be well to note that this is a good example of a practice that is bad for boys but isn’t directly caused by anti-male gender ideologies like feminism or traditionalism. It’s simply one of those things that just is.

Granted, if we didn’t have ideologies in place that tend to scoff at the idea of educational equity for men and boys, we might be having these conversations much sooner and more often. But once the wall that blocks us from discussing these issues is broken down, we can’t assume that everything will just work out on its own. We need to be able to have a conversation about what educational practices work best for boys.

And making boys hate writing by forcing them to write bland sentences over and over again isn’t one of them.

Thank You for Reading

If you like what you have read, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here:

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If you like our work, consider supporting it via a donation or signing up for a database.

About the Author

Jonathan Taylor is Title IX for All's founder, editor, web designer, and database developer.

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  1. Bridget 10/07/2014 at 9:20 pm

    I do agree that it’s stupid to make any student do that. I had to copy the dictionary for whatever period, starting at whatever word I left off at previously. I happen to be good with words (but not grammar or punctuation so maybe I should have been forced to memorize the comma section), and I like writing, but academics should Never be a punishment. I just don’t see how it punishes boys just because they’re at a disadvantage in reading (isn’t that because their brains are designed differently and therefore learn reading differently? I heard that was true of girls and math), I think it’s just as bad to make both genders run laps or do pushups. Sure, there’s muscle building but I don’t think it helps. I guess I hate seeing academics, exercise, food, and things like that used as punishment or rewards.

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 10/08/2014 at 2:59 pm

      There’s substantial evidence that the differences in aptitudes between boys and girls is – at least in part – due to how they are hardwired. But there are a lot of sociological factors that also influence how they embrace learning as well.

      Ideally, I think that – even assuming that men and women have different aptitudes – that we would try to shore up them with accommodations in instructional methods that acknowledge these differences, rather than saying “well that’s just how boys and girls are” and leaving it there, which tends to reinforce them.

  2. Trevor Smith 10/09/2014 at 5:17 am

    Absolutely Jonathan, we should review what we consider even our most ‘benign’ punishments as they are often derived from the assumption of male disposability. But as you suggest, the most important factor is childhood developmental variances and the gender distinctions.
    The feminists want a comfortable and nurturing learning space, without the antagonism of competition and “rough housing”, so in turn we accommodate them. Because to do otherwise we are sexism monsters. But the boys success can dwindle into the toilet, because the feminists are quite comfortable victimizing small boys.

    I always find wisdom in Mr. Thomas Sowell who reminds us that everyone clamours for justice, without a lot of thought into what defines justice.

  3. Mike Huhndorf 10/12/2014 at 12:16 am

    I don’t know anymore what constitutes fair puishment or consequences for misbahavior. The sentence routine is mindless. Copying the dictionary does have the potential to teach but if the mind is merely copying words it is equally mindless. How about essays that require inquiry? Or essays that require some thought on the why the behavior was inappropriate. That would also require some scrutiny and critical thinking as well as enhance writing skills.

  4. Your Mom 05/12/2015 at 6:04 am

    This is child abuse, and did me irreparable harm in elementary school. … My mother also made me copy lines from books to punish me at home. … Never thought of it as ‘brainwashing’ before … that characterization made me remember back. … I think I wrote things along the lines of “I will raise my hand before talking” or “I will not interrupt Ms. So-and-so” or “I will not run in the hallways.” … Come to think of it … I never had any male teachers make me do it … the article made me think–I had only female teachers from Kindergarten to like grade 4 or something … that where the literary abuse took place. … Very insightful … come to think of it, I guess it was brainwashing, although it certainly didn’t work. … Never thought of it that way before. … The more significant part of it is that it conceptualizes the literary faculty as a punishment … that could literally destroy someone’s mind … It’s basically an intellectual act of violence … like when people jokingly make someone punch/slap themselves … except it’s a mental version of thought by someone in authority, making them condition themselves into hating writing …

    This was just an excellent article, about something I still think about to this day …

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