Attorney Data Lists

Customize and download large spreadsheets (โ€œlistsโ€) of high-quality private practice attorney data. Organizations, institutions, and solo practitioners seeking to build upon or expand their own internal data may find this service especially useful.

Law Firms


For years, we have tracked and refined data on currently-practicing private practice attorneys who have assisted higher education “Title IX respondents” (students and teachers accused of sexual misconduct in the scope of Title IX grievance procedures) or school defendants who were sued by such respondents from 2011 and onward for violating their rights. Now, due to renewed interest, we are offering the purchase of the highest-quality portion of that data in bulk for those who may be interested.

We collect the below information on attorneys and law firms. Please note that most attorneys and firms can be searched by these data points in the purchased lists. Please also note that certain data may not be available in all cases.

Scope of Attorney Data

  • Attorney Name: the first, last, and (occasionally) middle name of the attorney.

  • Law Firm: the attorneyโ€™s law firm. If the law firm has several offices, the city of the office will be specified.

  • Title: the attorneyโ€™s title (Partner, Associate, etc.).

  • Email: the attorneyโ€™s professional email. We are able to acquire these emails in ~95% of cases. In some cases, we also have “secondary” emails.

  • Representation Focus: a clarification on whether this attorney has represented Title IX respondents or school defendants.

  • Title IX Specialist Firm?: a simple โ€œYes/Noโ€ indicator of whether the attorneyโ€™s firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters. This data point is only available for attorneys at firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Employer: if an attorney is also employed elsewhere (e.g., also teaches at a university), their employer will be specified here.

  • LinkedIn: a link to the attorneyโ€™s LinkedIn profile.

  • Litigation Volume: a general sense of the number of lawsuits the attorney has litigated while representing Title IX respondents or schools.

  • Total Lawsuits: the total number of lawsuits we have on record that this attorney has litigated while representing Title IX respondents or schools sued by Title IX respondents. This number should be regarded as the floor.

  • Biography Page: a link to the attorneyโ€™s biography page on their firmโ€™s website.

  • Notes: clarifications or additional info regarding this attorney or their career.

  • Sex: the sex of the attorney.

  • Attorney Record #: a unique permanent ID assigned to each attorney. This can be used to easily match up records in future updates.

Scope of Law Firm Data

  • Firm Name: the law firmโ€™s name. Regional offices will be labeled accordingly.

  • Representation Focus: a clarification on whether attorneys at this firm have represented Title IX respondents or school defendants.

  • Title IX Specialist?: a simple โ€œYes/Noโ€ indicator of whether the firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters. This data point is only available for firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Firm Website: the firmโ€™s website URL.

  • Title IX Page: if this firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters, the link to that page will be provided here. This data point is only available for firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Firm Phone: the firmโ€™s main phone line.

  • Firm Email: an email for general inquiries for the law firm.

  • Firm Address: the address for the law firm. Contains seven sub-fields: Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip, latitude, and longitude.

  • Firm Region: the geographic region of the firm. Regions are based on this map by National Geographic.

  • Total Title IX Attorneys: the number of attorneys we have on record for this firm.

  • # of Plaintiff Attorneys: the number of attorneys at this law firm who have represented Title IX respondents.

  • # of Defendant Attorneys: the number of attorneys at this law firm who have represented school defendants.

  • Notes: any notes that may help clarify the data we have on this law firm.

  • Firm Record #: a unique permanent ID assigned to each firm. This can be used to easily match up records in future updates.

The Difference

You may ask why, if you were interested in acquiring such data, you would get it here. Put simply, our data is more reliable and accurate than any generic data or list service you could find anywhere else. Additionally, our lists contain information unique to the Title IX space that could only be acquired by those who also monitor the litigation associated with these attorneys on an ongoing basis โ€“ which we do.

Higher-Quality Data

Other platforms are data aggregators. They cobble together a mish-mash of large, disparate lists they have purchasedโ€”often from unreliable sourcesโ€”and then resell that. They often try to impress by drawing attention to the large numbers of records in their lists. In practice, the more spectacularly high that number, the more likely quality is suffering in exchange for quantity. The lists may have tens of thousands of attorneys, but they are also often infested with inaccuracies and a large number of superfluous contacts that serve only to waste your time. And time is money, especially in the legal field.

We do not get our data anywhere but from official sources: federal and state court dockets, legal filings, PACER, law firms themselves, and so forth. We use this data to construct our Accused Students Database, which we update several times a week, every week. We do not provide general โ€œeducation attorneyโ€ data lists where a significant portion of attorneys may not work on Title IX matters, and instead work on other issues in academia, like disability, pay disputes, race discrimination, etc. On the contrary, since each attorney in the list is manually verified to be tied to either a Title IX lawsuit or a law firm explicitly stating Title IX as a practice area, you know with certainty that each attorney has a history of working in the Title IX space.

Data Unique to Title IX Attorneys

We track nearly three dozen data points between attorneys and and their firms. While some of these are generic attorney and firm data, several data points are unique to Title IX practice. Please see the scope of included data below for more.

F.A.Q. (Familiar & Anticipated Questions)

Hover over or click a box to learn more. Got a question that isn’t mentioned? Email us at

How would refunds work?


Any individual rows of attorney data in the spreadsheet provided that contain inaccurate data are refundable on a per-row (i.e., per individual attorney data record) basis within thirty days of purchase. So, for example, if a list of attorneys is purchased at $1 per attorney record and five attorney records contain incorrect email addresses, $5 would then be refunded. Columns with blank data are not considered incorrect data, as data is not always available.

How would future updates work?

Future Updates

Future data updates are not included in a list purchase. We know from our work updating data throughout the years that data “decays” (becomes out-of-date) at a rate of about 10-15% annually. To make sure our data stays fresh, we scan all our data twice annually for updates. Anyone who wishes to repurchase a new list to receive these updates can do so at 15% the price of a full list of the same list type (e.g., Attorneys for Respondents, or Attorneys for School Defendants, etc.).

What are the limitations on using this data?

Limitations on Use

This data is for personal or internal (i.e., internal to an organization) use only. As part of the Terms of Service, “you may not reproduce, resell, or distribute the Services or any reports or data spreadsheets (โ€œlistsโ€) purchased, generated, or downloaded by the Service for any purpose unless you have been specifically permitted to do so under a separate agreement with Title IX for All.”

Ready to purchase a data list? You can do that below.

We offer several options for purchasing an attorney data list. You can purchase either a list of attorneys for Title IX respondents, a list of attorneys for school defendants, or a combined list of both at a discounted price.

Please select an option below.

[fusion_pricing_table type=”1″ hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” columns=”3″][fusion_pricing_column title=”Attorneys for Title IX Respondents” standout=”no” footer_content=”false” feature_rows=”false”][fusion_pricing_price currency=”$” price=”791.00″][/fusion_pricing_price][fusion_pricing_row]791 attorney records[/fusion_pricing_row][fusion_pricing_row]Law firm data included[/fusion_pricing_row][fusion_pricing_footer] [/fusion_pricing_footer][/fusion_pricing_column][fusion_pricing_column title=”Attorneys for School Defendants” standout=”no” footer_content=”false” feature_rows=”false”][fusion_pricing_price currency=”$” price=”712.00″][/fusion_pricing_price][fusion_pricing_row]712 attorney records[/fusion_pricing_row][fusion_pricing_row]Law firm data included[/fusion_pricing_row][fusion_pricing_footer] [/fusion_pricing_footer][/fusion_pricing_column][fusion_pricing_column title=”All Attorneys” standout=”yes” footer_content=”false” feature_rows=”false”][fusion_pricing_price currency=”$” price=”1,332.00″][/fusion_pricing_price][fusion_pricing_row]10% discount[/fusion_pricing_row][fusion_pricing_row]1,480 attorney records. Law firm data included[/fusion_pricing_row][fusion_pricing_footer][/fusion_pricing_footer][/fusion_pricing_column][/fusion_pricing_table]