Welcome to the Attorneys Directory

The Attorneys Directory was created to assist with efficiently finding information on attorneys who have litigated either on behalf of Title IX respondents (students and school employees accused of Title IX-related misconduct), or attorneys who have defended schools from such litigation, via user-friendly search tools, interactive tables, reports, and maps.

Welcome to the Attorneys Directory

The Attorneys Directory was created to efficiently finding information on attorneys who have litigated either on behalf of Title IX respondents (students and school employees accused of Title IX-related misconduct) or who have defended schools from such litigation via user-friendly search tools, interactive tables, reports, and maps.

Already signed up? Let’s get you logged in.

You can also reset your password here, if necessary. Note 6/27/2023: due to system upgrades, current subscribers and users with “saved lawsuit notes” will need to reset their passwords to log in. All other users will need to re-register.

Already signed up? Let’s get you logged in.

You can also reset your password here, if necessary. Note 6/27/2023: due to system upgrades, current subscribers and users with “saved lawsuit notes” will need to reset their passwords to log in. All other users will need to re-register.

Learn more about the Attorneys Directory here

You can learn more about the Directory here.

The Attorneys Directory is geared toward efficiently finding information on attorneys who have litigated either on behalf of Title IX respondents (students and school employees accused of Title IX-related misconduct) or who have defended schools from such litigation. It will enable you to search for information on 1,700+ Title IX attorneys and 800+ of their law firms via user-friendly search tools, including interactive tables and maps. Also contained in the Directory are lists and summary reports on each attorney’s litigation outcomes, giving an idea of the success of each attorney’s efforts.

The Title IX Lawsuits Database is the primary source of this data, since much of the attorney data is retrieved from court dockets. If you are a Title IX attorney and find that you and your firm are not listed, please email us to be included.

Please note that the Attorneys Directory primarily includes attorneys who have litigated cases by Title IX respondents. The benefit of this is that their track record is verifiable. There are also numerous attorneys who only represent Title IX respondents in a university setting and have not litigated in court on their behalf. While we do include these attorneys, not all of them are listed, as their work is more difficult to track.

Summary of Features

Click on the images to expand them and get a better sense of each feature.

Interactive Law Firm / Attorney Maps

Easily find firms and attorneys within a specified geographic region.

Search Engines

Find attorneys and law firms by specified criteria.

Interactive Reports

Compare attorneys – their successes, geographic reach, and more – with interactive visual reports.

Interactive Tables

Extensive tables of attorney and law firm data that are easily sorted, searched, and filtered.

Scope of Attorney and Law Firm Data

We include data on currently-practicing private practice attorneys who have represented Title IX respondents or school defendants who were sued by such respondents from 2011 and onward. We have chosen 2011 because this was the year of the famous “Dear Colleague Letter” that sparked a tremendous increase in litigation by Title IX respondents.

In addition to lists and summary reports of litigation outcomes, we collect the below information on attorneys and law firms. Please note that most attorneys and firms can be searched by these data points.

Current Tally of Attorneys and Law Firms

Below are automated tallies of attorneys and law firms included in our data lists.

Title IX Attorneys
Law Firms

Attorney Data

We track the below data points regarding attorneys. Please note that certain data may not be available in all cases (e.g., LinkedIn URLs, secondary emails, etc.). Please also see the next section regarding additional law firm data.

  • Attorney Name: the first, last, and (occasionally) middle name of the attorney.

  • Law Firm: the attorney’s law firm. If the law firm has several offices, the city of the office will be specified.

  • Representation Focus: a clarification on whether this attorney has represented Title IX respondents or school defendants.

  • Title IX Specialist Firm?: a simple “Yes/No” indicator of whether the attorney’s firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters. This data point is only available for attorneys at firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Title: the attorney’s title (Partner, Associate, etc.).

  • Email (Primary and Secondary): the attorney’s professional email. Also, any additional emails we may have for this attorney. Please note that we do not include private, personal emails unless that attorney has voluntarily used such an email in court filings. For this reason, while we are able to obtain primary emails in ~95% of cases, secondary emails are only available in a few cases.

  • Direct line: the attorney’s professional direct phone number.

  • Employer: if an attorney is also employed elsewhere (e.g., also teaches at a university), their employer will be specified here.

  • LinkedIn: a link to the attorney’s LinkedIn profile.

  • Litigation Volume: a general sense of the number of lawsuits the attorney has litigated while representing Title IX respondents or schools.

  • Total Lawsuits: the total number of lawsuits we have on record that this attorney has litigated while representing Title IX respondents or schools sued by Title IX respondents. This number should be regarded as the floor.

  • # of Lawsuits Representing Title IX Respondents: self-explanatory.

  • # of Lawsuits Representing School Defendants: same as above.

  • Earliest Year Representing Plaintiffs: the earliest year this attorney represented a Title IX respondent in court.

  • Earliest Year Representing School Defendants: the earliest year this attorney represented a school defendant in court in a lawsuit by a Title IX respondent.

  • Biography Page: a link to the attorney’s biography page on their firm’s website.

  • Notes: clarifications or additional info regarding this attorney or their career.

  • Sex: the sex of the attorney.

  • Attorney Data Quality: a three-point system rating that gives a quick snapshot of how much data we have on this attorney.

  • Next Update By: the time by which we will have this attorney scanned for updates.

  • Attorney Record #: a unique permanent ID assigned to each attorney. This can be used to easily match up records in future updates.

Law Firm Data

We track the below data points regarding law firms. Please note that certain data may not be available in all cases.

  • Firm Name: the law firm’s name. Regional offices will be labeled accordingly.

  • Representation Focus: a clarification on whether attorneys at this firm have represented Title IX respondents or school defendants.

  • Title IX Specialist?: a simple “Yes/No” indicator of whether the firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters. This data point is only available for firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Firm Website: the firm’s website URL.

  • Title IX Page: if this firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters, the link to that page will be provided here. This data point is only available for firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Firm Phone: the firm’s main phone line.

  • Firm Email: an email for general inquiries for the law firm. Sometimes, this email is for the firm’s office manager or a paralegal.

  • Firm Address: the address for the law firm. Contains seven sub-fields: Street 1, Street 2, City, State, Zip, latitude, and longitude.

  • Firm Region: the geographic region of the firm. Regions are based on this map by National Geographic.

  • Total Title IX Attorneys: the number of attorneys we have on record for this firm.

  • # of Plaintiff Attorneys: the number of attorneys at this law firm who have represented Title IX respondents.

  • # of Defendant Attorneys: the number of attorneys at this law firm who have represented school defendants.

  • Firm Data Quality: a three-point system rating that gives a quick snapshot of how much data we have on this law firm.

  • Notes: any notes that may help clarify the data we have on this law firm.

  • Next Update By: the time by which we will have this law firm scanned for updates.

  • Firm Record #: a unique permanent ID assigned to each firm. This can be used to easily match up records in future updates.

Ready to sign up? You can do that here.

To gain access to the Attorneys Directory, you must subscribe to it for a small fee of $7.49 a month, with a first-month discount of 30% for first-time subscribers. Complete and submit the form to sign up. The subscription automatically renews unless canceled. You can cancel at any time via the Account Management page and still have access to the amount of time you have paid for.

To gain access to the Attorneys Directory, you must subscribe to it for a small fee of $7.49 a month, with a first-month discount of 30% for first-time subscribers. Complete and submit the form to sign up. The subscription automatically renews unless canceled. You can cancel at any time via the Account Management page and still have access to the amount of time you have paid for.

Service Information

By completing and submitting this form you will be granted immediate access to all features of the Attorneys Directory. If you are paying with a card, we recommend choosing Stripe at the bottom of the form as the payment processor as it will allow you to update your card information later. If you have and prefer using a PayPal account, however, we recommend you choose PayPal.

Subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the payment period unless canceled prior. You can cancel any time via the Account Management page and still have access for the amount of time you have paid for.

Title IX for All does not store credit card numbers. By signing up for our services, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please email us at info@titleixforall.com.

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Service Information

By completing and submitting this form you will be granted immediate access to all features of the Attorneys Directory. If you are paying with a card, we recommend choosing Stripe at the bottom of the form as the payment processor as it will allow you to update your card information later. If you have and prefer using a PayPal account, however, we recommend you choose PayPal.

Subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the payment period unless canceled prior. You can cancel any time via the Account Management page and still have access for the amount of time you have paid for.

Title IX for All does not store credit card numbers. By signing up for our services, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please email us at info@titleixforall.com.