Assuming Accused Men Are Guilty to Demonstrate Gender-Sensitivity
Schools should refrain from announcing that assaults absolutely happened and a person was victimized before any real determinations have been made.
Raylan Alleman tries to dissuade women from attending college by demeaning college men
Raylan Alleman, co-founder of the Catholic website Fix the Family, doesn't think women should go to college. This isn't just a passing thought for him; he has written an extensive article outlining 8 reasons why. Naturally, this has gotten Feminists in quite a huff (see here and here). Given that this website supports [...]
Women-Only Parking at the University of Fraser Valley
Neo-segregation finds a welcome home at this Canadian university.
Dr. Muhammad Khalifa’s misguided yet common dismissal of boys’ education issues
A recent article out of the NBC affiliate WILX 10 tells us: Missing from this Advanced Placement English class at Williamston High School are the boys. Just three in Jean Eddington-Shipman's class this semester. "When I first started teaching AP 27 years ago, it was a much better balance," Eddington-Shipman said. [...]
The Mess That Is the 2013 Ohio University False Rape Scandal
A false rape accuser, a men's advocate who misidentified the false accuser, and the feminist hate brigade.
Feminist Meg Lanker-Simons, Famous University of Wyoming Rape Threat Hoaxer, Accepts Plea Deal
Meg Lanker-Simons, a University of Wyoming student who faked a rape threat against herself, is forced to face the music.
Dr. Nancy Cohen: No Exposed Bellies, Buns, or Breasts? Rape Culture!
In order to stop rape culture, apparently schools must abandon a dress code altogether.