Red States Intervene to Support Devos’ Title IX Rules
"This brief represents the highest-profile political support that the movement for campus due process has received."
Title IX Regulations Released!
The final DeVos Title IX rule has been released, changing the landscape to grant due process rights to accused students.
Our Comment to the Department of Education Regarding Proposed Regulations
We comment on cross-examination, supportive measures, the scope of sexual harassment, standards of evidence, and the role of academia.
Updated: Submit Comments on the New Title IX Rules to the Department of Education by 1/30/2019!
If you have ever wanted to support the due process rights of accused students (~99% of whom are male), now is the time.
New Title IX Regulations Released. Our Analysis.
What the new rules get right, lack or get wrong, what gave rise to the new regulations, and whether schools will actually follow them.