All Posts From the Category: Rights & Protections

Feminist Professor Judy Haiven doesn’t like equal rights for male students

Feminism has longย been against men and women having the equal right to speak. We see this in many ways. Male-only spaces where men talk among men are "breeding grounds for patriarchy," whereas female-only spaces are "safe spaces" that must be preserved at all costs. A woman talking about sex in [...]

Call to action: Kermit Elementary suspends boy for having an imagination. Here’s what to do.

Update 2/3/2015, 12:00 PM: We've acquired Superintendent Bill Boyd's email atย Principal Roxanne Greer's email isย Let themย know what you think! Also, since the review system at Great Schools is not allowing our reviews, goย leave a review on their Google+ page!ย Also, here is the previously-hidden link to the school's "Bully [...]

02/02/2015|Advocacy, Rights & Protections|

Rally for change: join us for the KSUM Male Students in Peril conference on November 1 (registration closes October 26)

Click here to register FREE for the Male Students in Peril conference occurring this November 1 at Kennesaw State University (Georgia). Registration is open until October 26. In a little less than two weeks, on November 1, I will be presenting as the keynote speakerย at the Male Students in Peril [...]

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