On the Radio: KBYR AM 700 and Honey Badger Radio
Two videos of two recent radio appearances, plus one extra.
Three New Cases Added to Lawsuits Database, Two Others Recently Decided, Cited by Wall Street Journal
As usual, there is both good and bad to be found in the outcomes of these lawsuits. The reality, however, is that these cases are all making an impact.
The UVA Rape Hoax: Aftermath and Lessons for Us All
Virtually every claim made by “Jackie” and chronicled by Sabrina Rubin Erdely in Rolling Stone has been objectively proven false.
Prejudice Exposed: Tracy Crawford of Roots ‘N Wings Montessori
The Director of a Montessori School who stated she has a presumption against hiring men out of a fear of misconduct has been identified.
Feminist Professor Judy Haiven doesn’t like equal rights for male students
Feminism has long been against men and women having the equal right to speak. We see this in many ways. Male-only spaces where men talk among men are "breeding grounds for patriarchy," whereas female-only spaces are "safe spaces" that must be preserved at all costs. A woman talking about sex in [...]
Call to action: Kermit Elementary suspends boy for having an imagination. Here’s what to do.
Update 2/3/2015, 12:00 PM: We've acquired Superintendent Bill Boyd's email at [email protected]. Principal Roxanne Greer's email is [email protected]. Let them know what you think! Also, since the review system at Great Schools is not allowing our reviews, go leave a review on their Google+ page! Also, here is the previously-hidden link to the school's "Bully [...]
The David and Goliath story of Zen Men (aka KSU Men)
I hope everyone has had a good Christmas break. I know I have. Before we get back into the swing of things and ramp up for 2015, I think it good to note this recent interview between Paul Elam and Sage Gerard, president of Zen Men (formerly KSU Men): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn3jchxMpOs [...]
As UVA Case Unravels, Feminists Scramble With Damage Control but Maintain Presumptions of Male Guilt
Another shameful case of bloodthirsty feminists rushing to judgment to baselessly destroy an accused man's life.
Why Lorisa Lorenzo and James Annarelli of Eckerd College need to be fired
If you use Twitter, please tweet this to #eckerdcollege. Let's make sure their school knows we'll publicize when they discriminate against college men. Have you ever heard that grand old story about people coming to America because they believe it to be "the land of opportunity"? That's what I was taught when I was [...]
The Patrick Witt Case: Life-Changing Consequences of Sex-Assault Allegations
All this paints a depressing picture, but it appears that Witt has been able to resurrect at least some of his ambitions.