All Posts From the Category: Rights & Protections

Disturbing: woman burning copies of Dr. Hoff-Sommers’s book The War Against Boys

There's something symbolic about burning a book that fits perfectly well with the mentality of our opponents. I believe the phrase is "intellectually bankrupt." The vast majority of our opponents don't have arguments. Developing arguments would involve actually considering potential counterarguments, which would in turn cause a very uncomfortable next [...]

06/18/2014|Free Speech, Rights & Protections|

Dangerous “affirmative consent” advocacy rears its head again in higher education

In the 1990s, a group of Feminist students at Antioch College who called themselves Womyn of Antioch threatened violent action if the school failed to adopt their affirmative consent model in adjudicating accusations of sexual assault. This was chronicled in the academic compilationย Rape on Campus, which I have read and [...]

03/28/2014|Due Process, Rights & Protections|
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