If you know of visual examples of anti-male bias in academia that are not mentioned, please email us atย info@titleixforall.com so we can include them.

Bias against men and boys in academia, and the fanatical opposition to due process when they are accused of Title IX-related offenses, is an intergenerational, decades-old problem. Many are unaware of the nature of that bias โ€“ its sophistry, duplicity, spite, and sometimes sheer hatred.

We are republishing and expanding โ€œThe Face of Anti-Male Bias in Academiaโ€ below as an informative resource. Originally published in September 2013, this is a compilation of visuals demonstrating anti-male bias promoted in academia by students, administrators, or faculty. Many of these phenomena are directly related to presumptions of guilt toward men and boys accused of Title IX-related offenses. This resource is the sibling of another one of our compilations: โ€œThe Language of Anti-Male Bias in Academiaโ€ which we also hope to republish soon. You can also visit ourย Title IX Lawsuits Databaseย for examples of life-altering injustices against male students.

We have provided images and descriptions below. If you value equal treatment, ask the most fundamental question regarding equality as you go through these images: would such messages be acceptable if they were directed toward any other group?

Student protesters hold banners that read "CASTRATE" and "give them equal measure."

The โ€œCastrateโ€ Banner โ€“ Duke University

In 2006, three male students who were members of Duke Universityโ€™s lacrosse team were falsely accused of rape. With overwhelming evidence in support of the falsely accused, the district attorney went so far as to declare them innocent. Before that happened, however, the lacrosse team was suspended, their coach was fired, and the students were subjected to a campaign of relentless harassment. In the picture above are students who are supportive of the false accuser. They are parading a banner around campus advocating the castration of the falsely accused students. Ironically, these students claim to be taking a stand against sexual violenceโ€ฆby openly advocating sexual violence in the form of forced castration. Far from disapproving of the message, Duke faculty thanked themย for โ€œnot waiting.โ€

Have you ever heard of students parading a banner through campus demanding the dismemberment of rape accusers, only to be later thanked by professors who regarded themselves as enlightened? Where in the world, and in what time period, might you find such barbarism?

The Duke Lacrosse false rape case was a spectacle to behold. It revealed โ€“ as in the above picture โ€“ that prejudice and hatred were not merely the behavior of โ€œlone wolvesโ€ or โ€œrandom assholes;โ€ on the contrary, they had become part of the communally shared value system of higher education.

The false accuser Crystal Mangum was not prosecuted for filing a false report. Being free to do so, she went on to stab her boyfriend to death in 2011, a crime for whichย she was convicted.

A poster that says two students, Jake and Josie, were both drunk and then hooked up. The poster blames Jake for rape based solely on the fact that both were drunk.

Both Sexes Drunk, Man Presumed Rapist โ€“ Coastal Carolina University

This poster tells us both sexes hooked up while drunk, but Jake is the only one charged with rape and โ€œa woman who is intoxicated cannot give her legal consent. It only takes a single day to ruin your life.โ€ The message is clear: CCU thinks it is acceptable to ruin the lives of male students based on their own double-standards and gender bias.

We might be tempted to think CCU is a bit misogynistic as well by implying that women are not capable of responsibility for their own behavior, but given that men are punished for mutual behavior itโ€™s hard to tell whether this is the infantilization of women or โ€“ a laย The Whipping Boy,ย a story where a commoner must accept punishment for the wrongs done by a prince โ€“ the royalization of them.

The message of this poster is not confined to just CCU; Duke University’s Dean of Students and Assistant VP for Student affairs, Sue Wasiolek, testified in a lawsuit that โ€œAssuming it is a male and female, it is the responsibility of the male to gain consent before proceeding with sex” in such situations.

Posters that list steps to preventing rape. Such steps include confining men to well-lit areas on campus, men wearing bells around their necks at all times, and protection officers accompanying men.

โ€œSteps to Preventing Rapeโ€ Poster โ€“ The University of Ottawa

According toย The Fulcrum, a student publication at the University of Ottawa, this poster hungย forย yearsย on a window at the Womenโ€™s Resource Centre on campus. This poster informs University of Ottawa students of appropriate steps to preventing rape, such as making sure male students are confined only to well-lit areas of the campus, that they should wear bells around their necks at all times, and that they be accompanied by police wherever they go.

Can you imagine if this was hung outside a โ€œWhite Studentโ€™s Centerโ€ and said such things about immigrants or people of color in this day and age? Do you think it would stay there for years?

A poster with photos of the entire Duke lacrosse team. The top of the poster says "Please come forward."

The Wanted Poster โ€“ Duke University

In addition to carrying around a banner reading โ€œcastrate,โ€ students supportive of the false accuser in the 2006 Duke lacrosse false rape case passed around what amounted to wanted posters with pictures of the entire team. This poster is also found in Dr. KC Johnson and Stuart Taylorโ€™s bookย Until Proven Innocent, a thorough account of the horrifying false rape case.

A poster that says "Dude tip: if you offer someone a ride, remember not to rape them."

The โ€œDudetipโ€ Poster โ€“ UCLA

Profiling a student on the basis of race is bad. Profiling a student on the basis of sex is good โ€“ assuming itโ€™s a male student, and especially if the person doing the profiling is part of the correct โ€œteam.โ€ This poster is one ofย several โ€œDudetipsโ€ย created by the UCLA student group Bruin Feminists for โ€œEquality,โ€ telling ordinary men how to resist their apparently irresistible urge to rape. How do you think a White Students group would be received if they posted such posters and simply changed โ€œdudetipโ€ to โ€œblacktipโ€ or โ€œbrowntipโ€?

Keith Edwards giving his "She Fears You" presentation to first-year students. In the background is a screen that says "She Fears You" in large letters.

โ€œShe Fears Youโ€ Presentation by Dr. Keith Edwards โ€“ SIXTY Colleges and Universities

According to Dr. Keith Edwardsโ€™s removed website (of which I still have screenshots), Dr. Edwards presented his lecture โ€œShe Fears You,โ€ complete with a presentation slide bearing those same words in big scary font, toย roughly 60 colleges and universities.ย The goal of the program is to teach male students that female students live in fear of them, and that the only way they can reclaim their humanity is to acknowledge their conscious or unconscious complicity in โ€œrape culture.โ€ Whenย this program was made mandatory for male students at Hamilton Collegeย in 2011, most of them simply walked out.

This kind of program must be approved by university administrators. If you are a student who was expelled by a school employing a Title IX/student life professional who worked at any of theย sixty schools on Keith Edwardโ€™s listย at the time of his presentation, please feel free to see if you can use this information in support of your gender bias claims.

A shirt worn by students in lower education that says "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them."

โ€œBoys Are Stupid [So Be Violent to Them]โ€ Clothing & Accessories โ€“ Schools Across the United States

Clothing and other products featuring the message โ€œBoys are Stupidโ€ became popular to wear in school after the turn of the millennium.ย An article inย Peopleย magazineย tells usย โ€œErika Kaminer is only 10, but she already knows how to make a provocative fashion statement: her T-shirt reads, โ€˜Boys Are Smelly;โ€™ her watch says, โ€˜Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them!โ€™ Says the Hewlett, N.Y., fourth grader of her garb: โ€˜I want to make boys feel bad because itโ€™s fun.โ€™โ€

Jane Ganahl, who taught at San Jose State, laughed it offย in an articleย by arguing that two wrongs make a right (since women are targeted with biased behavior as well) and even suggested wearing a t-shirt encouraging girls to fling feces at boys. โ€œShut up and get a life alreadyโ€ the title of her article reads.

A masked protestor at the University of Toronto holding a sign that says "sorry we hurt your man feels."

โ€œSorry We Hurt Your Manfeelzโ€ โ€“ University of Toronto

Do you think hatred of men and boys should be opposed? You may be guilty of โ€œmanfeelz.โ€ This is a protester from the 2013 lecture at the University of Toronto by Dr. Janice Fiamengo titled โ€œWhatโ€™s Wrong with Womenโ€™s Studies?โ€ The lecture focused on misandry and intellectual dishonesty in womenโ€™s studies. Protesters pulled fire alarms to shut down the event and harassed attendees. Read the full story in the postย โ€œThe University of Toronto: Cradle of a Revolution.โ€

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Video: Students Vote Against a Campus Menโ€™s Center โ€“ Simon Fraser University

Itโ€™s not often you see a video with a ~98% dislike rate after thousands of votes. Keenan Midgley at Simon Fraser University wanted to set up a menโ€™s center on campus. According toย a Macleanโ€™s article, Midgleyโ€™s reasoning was that โ€œhis gender deals with more suicides, alcoholism and drug abuse, and suffers negative stereotypes just like women do. โ€˜As a student society, weโ€™re supposed to represent all undergraduates. I donโ€™t think weโ€™re currently doing that,โ€™โ€ he said.

Apparently this was too much for campus activists, who decided that men should not have the right to organize or have a space to talk about their problems unless its every move obtained their stamp of approval. They accused this rather benign effort of being a breeding ground for sexism โ€“ without evidence, of course. The controversy promptedย an article inย The National Postย titled โ€œShocking Anti-Male Hatred at Simon Fraser University.โ€

Shirts hung on a clothesline at the University of Maryland. The shirts bear writing intended to support victims of sexual assault, but some of them are angry and some accusatory. One shirt lists the name of a student and says "you belong in jail but hell will be second best. You are the scum of the earth."

The Clothesline Project Names and Shames Male Students Without Verification / Due Process โ€“ University of Maryland

The University of Maryland is home to the Clothesline Project, an event which aims to empower victims of sexual assault by setting aside a space where they can write messages on t-shirts and leave them to hang on campus for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, for 17 years (from 1990 to 2007) many female students wrote the names of male students they accused of rape on these shirts, using this event as a forum to publicly demonize male students and ostracize them as rapists before the entire campus community.

After this went on for 17 years, the University of Maryland took action only after they were threatened with a lawsuit, telling students they could only write part of the names of their alleged assailants on the shirts. Many students were still able to use this to identify the men they accused, however. Read more inย this article inย The Baltimore Sun.

A reconstruction on the Phil Donahue show of the "rape list" accusing men of rape at Brown University.

The Rape List โ€“ Brown University

One of the earliest photographic captures of in-your-face misandry in academia is the Rape List at Brown University, seen here as a recreation onย The Phil Donahue Showย which ran in the 1990s. ย Asย an article inย The Baltimore Sunย reports, female students used bathroom walls to accuse male students of rape, writing their names as a โ€œwarningโ€ to other students. When custodians scrubbed the walls clean, the list would be rewritten again. Predictably, Feminist students defined the act of erasing these accusations as โ€œrape apologismโ€ and โ€œvictim blaming.โ€

In my study of sexism and misandry in academia, this case is unique because it was perhaps the only time that a higher education administrator dared to publicly call out sexism against male students before the age of the internet and when Feminism still held an overwhelming stranglehold on the discourse on gender in academia (late 90s, early 2000). According to the article, โ€œRobert Reichley, executive vice president for university relations. He says the university will no more tolerate anti-male graffiti than it allows misogynistic, homophobic or racist graffiti.โ€

A list of men accused of rape written on a bathroom stall.

The Rape List โ€“ Columbia University

More than happy to repeat history twenty-four years later, a group of activists at Columbia University decided to write the names of alleged โ€œsexual assault violatorsโ€ and โ€œrapistsโ€ on the bathroom walls.ย See our article about it here.

A sign at a parking space that says "this lower parking lot is reserved for women drivers from 6 PM to 10 PM."

Women-Only Parking at the University of Fraser Valley

The University of Fraser Valley has a problem. Not with violence, since records show that UFV is a rather safe campus. No, the problem is in deciding who, in those brief and isolated punctuations of time when violence occurs, should be safe from violence. Should UFV adopt an approach that does not exclude its students on the basis of sex, race, and so forth? Or should it adopt the position that some groups are more worthy of safety than others?ย They have chosen the latter.

One might wonder: are male students never assaulted? Are they never victims of crime? Of course they are. If the universityโ€™s argument is that women deserve special treatment because men are more likely to engage in street crime, would they also accept the rationalization that certain races should receive โ€œdibsโ€ on parking spaces for similar reasons? Of course not. Nor should anyone.

Seeย our article on women-only parking at UFV here.

A photo of a sign on the Women's Room at the University of Queensland. The poster says, "The women's room is a safer space for anyone who is not a "cis-man."

Poster at University of Queensland:
This Room is a โ€œSafer Space for Anyone Who is Not a Cis-Man.โ€

Some questions come to mind when viewing this poster. Most importantly, shouldnโ€™t spaces โ€“ especially ones watched over by those who claim to advocate equality โ€“ย be equally safe for all people? And if a particular place is safer for one demographic, doesnโ€™t that mean that it is less safe โ€“ i.e., more dangerous โ€“ for another?

What is the moral basis for making certain places safer for some, and more dangerous for others? What are the mechanisms by which these Feminists intend to enforce the unequal protections they wish to afford those who enter this space?

Click here to see our article addressing this poster.

A photo of a woman burning pages of the book The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff-Sommers.

Woman Burning Copies of Dr. Hoff-Sommersโ€™s Bookย The War Against Boys

Thereโ€™s something symbolic about burning a book that fits perfectly well with the mentality of those who oppose advocacy for men and boys in education. The burning of books has been a sign of intellectual and moral barbarism to the civilized world for decades.

Those who oppose educational equity for men and boys are often so narrow-minded and hateful that they cannot stand the mereย possibilityย of others speaking. And you can see this played out over and over again inย the articles here on free speech. You may also see ourย ย article that addresses this book-burning in greater detail here.

A photo of a feminist holding a medium-sized whiteboard that says, "I need feminism because no means no but sometimes yes doesn't mean yes."

โ€œNo Means No, Yes Doesnโ€™t Mean Yesโ€ โ€“ย Radcliffe Camera at Oxford

โ€œWho Needs Feminismโ€ย is a blog where Feminists submit pictures of themselves holding up messages telling us why we/they/everyone needs Feminism. Unfortunately, some Feminists (such as this student) arenโ€™t exactly painting Feminism in a positive light. Double-standards are depressingly common in accuser advocacy.

A poster on a school whiteboard that says "They've found something that does the work of 5 men: 1 woman."

Poster: One Woman is as Good as Five Men โ€“ High School Whiteboard

This one wasย submitted to Reddit in April of 2013. The author of the submission said โ€œFound this in a high school classroom. I politely asked the teacher to take it down. She laughed and told me to lighten up.โ€

A photo from an old textbook from 1994 that suggests men should attach warning labels to their penises if they have more than one sexual partner.

โ€œMale Penises Should Come with Warning Labelsโ€ Poster โ€“ Career & Life Management Textbook

According to the user inย his submission to Reddit, this is a poster used in anti-aids campaigns in the 90s, was featured in his Career and Life Management (CALM) textbook.

A banner created for a protest against "rape culture" in the wake of the false claims by Meg Lanker Simons. The banner presents many slogans and cliches of the feminist anti-rape movement.

False Rape Accusers Encouraging Armed Vigilantism โ€“ University of Wyoming

False rape accuser and feminist Meg Lanker-Simons put the University of Wyoming into an uproar when she made a rape threatย against herselfย on a Facebook page related to the university (story here). She also took part in an anti-โ€œrape cultureโ€ rally, where numerous banners such as this one were displayed.

Wait, whatโ€™s this written in purple near the bottom? โ€œUntil the rape of women ends good men need to arm ourselves and oppose abuse with defensiveโ€ฆactionโ€? Many innocent men have been killed or by grievously injured by โ€œgood menโ€ arming themselves to โ€œprotectโ€ women. In this case, feminists are making false rape accusations and deliberately encouraging armed vigilantism.

A photo of a flier created by a student group called Radical Riot that says "Want to stop rape on campus? Men: stop raping women. Men can stop rape."

โ€œMen: Stop Raping Women!โ€ Poster โ€“ Location Unknown

The origin of this poster is unknown. It was submitted to the authors of the Community of the Wrongly Accused in December of 2009 (see here).

A copy of the "Don't be that guy" poster which chastises men for thinking that "just because you help her home doesn't mean you get to help yourself."
A poster of the satirical "don't be that girl" campaign which says "just because you regret a one night stand doesn't mean it wasn't consensual."

โ€œDonโ€™t Be That Guy/Girlโ€ Posters โ€“ University of Alberta

When Women & Gender Studies Professor Lise Gotell spearheaded her โ€œDonโ€™t be that guyโ€ campaign designed to โ€œteach men not to rape,โ€ Menโ€™s Rights Edmonton launched their own campaign: โ€œDonโ€™t be that girl,โ€ using similar language designed to see if they could handle walking a mile in menโ€™s shoes. Instead of supporting the same message but with the sexes flipped, professors at the University of Alberta falsely accused the group of promoting โ€œrape apologismโ€ and โ€œvictim blaming.โ€ Read more on the storyย hereย andย here.

A photo of a flier advertisement for the Women's English Program at Curtin University. The flier invites students to "study English in a friendly, women-only environment."

โ€œWomen Onlyโ€ Education โ€“ Curtin U, and Elsewhere

Feminists tend to oppose segregated education where education reformists theorize that male students might benefit from classrooms geared more toward โ€œmale-friendly learning styles.โ€ Female-only environments do not tend to draw such opposition, however.


The below are reproductions of visuals reported by media sources to have been used in academia. Unfortunately, we do not have the originals. We only include the information presented in media reports in these reproductions.

A reconstruction of the original poster distributed throughout campus. The poster simply lists an accused male student under the heading "Rapist of the Month."

โ€œRapist of the Monthโ€ Poster โ€“ Oberlin College

I have not been able to find the poster behind this story (unfortunately, this was before the era of smartphones with cameras), which is why the above poster is my recreation of it based on news accounts I have read.ย An article in theย Toledo Bladeย tells the story:ย at Oberlin College, Feminist studentsย pulled an 18 year-old freshman studentโ€™s name at randomย from the campus directory and put his name on a poster that read โ€œRapist of the Month.โ€ They then distributed these posters across the campus.

The student was in shock when he found his name on the posters while walking around campus. As reported in the article, when news of the story became public Oberlin College sophomore Emily Loyd said โ€œSo many women get their lives totally ruined by being assaulted and not saying anything. So if one guy gets his life ruined, maybe it balances out.โ€

A reconstruction of the original poster distributed throughout campus. The poster simply lists male students pulled from the campus directory under a heading that says "Notice: These Men are Potential Rapists."

โ€œNotice: These Men are Potential Rapistsโ€ Poster โ€“ University of Maryland

Another recreation based upon the coverage I have read, since we are without the original.ย An article fromย The Baltimore Sunย tells us the story: โ€œAre nearly all male students at the University of Maryland โ€˜potential rapistsโ€™?ย Women in a feminist art class here apparently believe so. About 10 of them plastered the campus with fliers last weekย listing the names of virtually every male studentย under the heading, โ€˜NOTICE: THESE MEN ARE POTENTIAL RAPISTS.โ€™โ€

The Feminist students rationalized publicly designating countless male students as potential rapists. “A lot of people are upset by it, but I think if a man was secure he wasn’t a rapist, he wouldn’t be threatened by the list,” said Erin Lane, a senior economics major.

Another article on this matter by The Baltimore Sun can be found here.

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About the Author

Jonathan Taylor is Title IX for All's founder, editor, web designer, and database developer.

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  1. Jack Youngblood 09/26/2013 at 1:56 pm

    FYI.. The I need feminism poster photo was taken in Oxford, as we many of its ilk.

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 11/15/2013 at 11:16 am

      Do you have a link that shows it was at Oxford? Doing a follow-up on it.

  2. ZimbaZumba 09/26/2013 at 4:35 pm

    Curtin University seems to an egregiously anti-male institution. Check out their exclusive Ladies studio at the gym. http://recreation.curtin.edu.au/Ladies_studio.htm

    “Ladies Studio
    The Ladies Studio offers women the opportunity to improve their general health and fitness in a private welcoming environment, under the guidance of our friendly and qualified female staff.The Ladies Studio contains quality exercise equipment, with high definition televisions on the cardio equipment. Access to the ladies studio is via an exclusive ladies only area.”

    No equivalent facility for men.

  3. Pierce Harlan 09/26/2013 at 7:35 pm

    Jonathan, the most troubling aspect of the incidents where women “named” their rapist is the assault on the rights and dignity of the presumptively innocent. Somehow it is acceptable to tarnish innocent reputations because some women are raped. It is curious, and all too telling, that these efforts are not challenged in the feminist community.

    This is an excellent compilation.

    • DS 05/20/2014 at 11:00 pm

      Absolutely ridiculous, no victim has sued any of these insane harpies yet? I think that goes a little bit beyond defamation..

  4. Dan 10/13/2013 at 11:26 am

    Thanks for the compilation

  5. peacefulinvasion 10/16/2013 at 8:17 pm


    STOP IT…..just stop it. You are making a mess for the sane feminists like me to clean up. Because of you people wont take us seriously in areas where woman’s rights does apply. Heck we cannot bring up legit rape issues without being accused of being a feminazi. I’d like to bring up awareness for oppression in the middle east, i’d like to talk about issues in third world countries but i cant cause i’m so busy trying to make it so the world doesn’t see woman as false accusers because you femanazis want every man accused of being rape to go to jail without having a chance to defend himself. ITS HORRIBLE TO KNOW THAT THE REASON WHY SANE FEMINISTS ARE NEEDED IS TO CONTROL THE FEMINAZIS!

    I have a solution for rape. And yes this will make the MRAs happy and the feminists happy as well. Instead of teaching not to rape teach people what to do in the EVENT of rape. Make men and woman alike take self defense course giving them the ability to defend themselves and others who are in need of help. Teach people to report rape of all kinds. If you catch a person drugging another male or female intervene and warn the victim while also getting them away from the criminal. Make sure people are prepared incase rape does happen.

    This solution will make feminists and mras alike happy because it stops with accusing all men of being rapists. It isn’t a man’s duty to defend a woman. Its a HUMAN’S duty to look out and defend their fellow humans.

    • Lyn 05/21/2014 at 1:32 am

      The fact you would call someone a “femanazi”, isn’t helping your cause, because you are now ALLOWING it to be okay for people to say that word by using it yourself. Also, why NOT teach people not to rape? EVERYONE should be told “no means no” it doesn’t mean “try harder” or “go ahead anyways”. Sometimes women don’t want to, and sometimes men don’t want to and EVERYONE should respect that. Also, it should be taught that drunk people CANNOT consent EVER and to never have sex while drunk…EVER. I’m all for being prepared in case something happens, learn self defense to your heart’s content…but that can’t be the only thing that’s taught.

      • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 05/22/2014 at 6:05 am

        I agree that the word “feminazi” isn’t particularly helpful to men’s activism.

        I disagree with your expanded definitions of consent. If people can be held responsible for driving while drunk, they can be held responsible for having sex while drunk. Driving a car and having sex are not the same thing, but the point is irrelevant because individual agency – which is not negated by alcohol – is a common denominator between the two.

        If someone is passed-out and wasted, however, then certainly they cannot consent.

        And although I agree that no very likely means no the overwhelming majority of the time, I disagree that it always means no. People tease. People are sarcastic. When people suggest a sexual activity, sometimes people respond by sarcastically and coyly saying “oh baby, that would be HORRIBLE!” while pulling him/her against or into their body.

        Another way to look at it is this: if no always means no regardless of context, then yes would therefore always mean yes regardless of context. I don’t think that a person consents by saying “yes” if someone asks them to have sex while holding a gun to their head, and I hope you don’t either.

        Context matters, and body language is indeed real language.

    • Bora Bosna 04/10/2015 at 3:51 am

      “sane feminists” LOL.
      You cannot believe in the Patriarchy and be sane.

  6. Ram 11/05/2013 at 7:26 am

    Great work there, about time this was done.

  7. AK 11/05/2013 at 3:42 pm
  8. Adam McPhee 11/06/2013 at 3:15 pm

    One picture in particular made me write an article on it last night:


  9. Felipe Oliva Arriagada 02/12/2014 at 3:09 pm

    hahahahahahahahahahahaaha MRA losers keep whining

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 02/12/2014 at 4:18 pm

      Thank you for your comment. It will help me to teach the audience how to further recognize sexism, misandry, and so forth. To my readers:

      Notice this commenter calling me a “loser.” In a way, a person calling a man a “loser” is a lot like calling someone a woman “slut.” It is sex-based shaming language. In other words, it is sexist.

      Notice that women are rarely, if ever, called “losers,” whereas men are often called this. Women, by contrast, are often called “sluts,” whereas men virtually never are. Why? Because masculinity and men are judged by winning and losing, just as women are often judged by their sexual discretion.

      You will notice that Feminists and their friends, especially those on the internet, often call men’s advocates “losers,” whereas men’s advocates rarely call those who oppose them “Feminist sluts.” It’s interesting that the opponents of men’s advocates so often resort to sex-based shaming language – sexism, in other words – by calling men’s advocates “losers,” while themselves denying that it is possible for men to be the targets of sexism.

      Also, note the claim by this commenter that I am “whining.” I actually tend to keep a rather academic tone, as you can see by reading this article. But it is often an expectation (and a sexist one at that) that men are not allowed to acknowledge their vulnerability, let alone assert it when others deny it.

      This is, in essence, what this commenter is arguing. This is the mentality and worldview behind what he/she says. This commenter is an example of the kind of sexist and misandric mentality that is so pervasive in the world, which is why the problems in men’s and boys’ education have gotten as bad as they are.

      • humann 03/30/2014 at 9:39 pm

        Excellent response, thank you.

        • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 03/30/2014 at 9:42 pm

          You’re welcome :)

          • Lyn 05/21/2014 at 1:24 am

            Actually, I find it quite sexist that 1. You refer to this person as a “feminist” when you in fact have no idea if he/she is (I say he or she because, well, it’s the internet, I could be a 40yr old man today and 15yr old girl tomorrow) 2. Loser is NOT solely used towards men…not even often used towards men. It’s really quite a gender neutral term. Now, had this person called you a bastard or a dick, sure.
            While I find it…interesting that you are a… “male advocate” or, whatever you would like to call it. I found that your article was actually, kind of awful, it sounded like you were mocking these women. It is understandable that you don’t agree with some of the more…aggressive ways women try to make the differences known and try to stop inequality and whatever else, wouldn’t you try to help them be able to actually reach people? To make people actually listen?

          • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 05/22/2014 at 6:00 am

            1. I actually didn’t refer to that person as a Feminist. On the contrary, although I said that I have observed Feminists doing this, I actually referred to the person as a “commenter.” Look up and you’ll see it.

            2. Even if I did refer to him/her as a Feminist, I don’t think it would be sexist. Feminists are neither men nor women uniquely, but an ideological tribe, not too dissimilar from white nationalists, that includes both sexes.

            3. Loser is indeed often and disproportionately used toward men. Just like words like “slut” are used often and disproportionately toward women.

            4. Yes, I am mocking people who spread an ideology of hatred. They don’t deserve to be taken seriously, and the sooner the world laughs them off the stage the better.

            5. The people cited in this article (which – by the way – includes both men and women, not just women) are not just “aggressive.” They are bigoted and hateful.

            6. Listening is a two-way street.

            Thank you for your comment, commenter :)

  10. A Supporter 05/11/2014 at 1:34 pm

    I can help to update the location of “No Means No, Yes Doesnโ€™t Mean Yes”. It was taken in front of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford, located between two Oxford University colleges: Brasenose College and All Souls College:

    A supporter

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 05/11/2014 at 1:39 pm

      Thank you! I have updated the post accordingly. Much appreciated.

  11. […] is a screenshot of her original post. I will be adding one of these pictures to the key AVFMS page โ€œThe Face of Misandry in Academia.โ€ Check it out if you havenโ€™t […]

  12. dave cooper 08/19/2014 at 6:27 pm

    The Karen Cunagin Sypher case in Louisville KY may be of interest to those who agree with the writer …. she got 87 months in prison for flasely accusing someone of rape.

  13. […] of the world’s work for 10% of the income and own 1% of the world’s property,”ย paste random women’s names on posters reading “Rapist of the Month, ” and burn boo…. They encourage reducing the female population as a form of “decontamination,” ideally […]

  14. […] of the world’s work for 10% of the income and own 1% of the world’s property,”ย paste random women’s names on posters reading “Rapist of the Month, ” and burn boo…. They encourage reducing the female population as a form of “decontamination,” ideally […]

  15. […] To clarify, this post is focused on misandry as it occurs in the spoken or written word only, but stops short of where misandry is presented visually on banners, posters, and so forth. If you would like examples of that, see the postย โ€œThe face of misandry in academia: a collection of banners, posters, and other visual aids.โ€ […]

  16. Antonio 12/26/2014 at 12:04 am

    And my school, UVA, got nailed by rolling stone because, as Sabrina Erdley admitted, UVA is a prestigious university without a real radical feminist movement. Sure there is the group, Feminism is for Everyone, but they’re not the radical hateful harpy type of feminist. I’m happy to go to a school that still prioritizes personal responsibility for the most part and isn’t into victim blaming.

  17. chiiill 02/17/2015 at 1:34 am

    Doesn’t “cheap date” mean a woman who gets drunk really easily and can’t handle her liquor?

    • Jonathan Taylor 02/17/2015 at 1:39 am


    • Bora Bosna 04/10/2015 at 3:53 am

      No, it means a man who does not pay for dinner/movie.

Comments are closed.


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Research due process and similar lawsuits by students accused of Title IX violations (sexual assault, harassment, dating violence, stalking, etc.) in higher education.

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A basic directory for looking up Title IX attorneys, most of whom have represented parties in litigation by accused students.

If you know of visual examples of anti-male bias in academia that are not mentioned, please email us atย info@titleixforall.com so we can include them.

Bias against men and boys in academia, and the fanatical opposition to due process when they are accused of Title IX-related offenses, is an intergenerational, decades-old problem. Many are unaware of the nature of that bias โ€“ its sophistry, duplicity, spite, and sometimes sheer hatred.

We are republishing and expanding โ€œThe Face of Anti-Male Bias in Academiaโ€ below as an informative resource. Originally published in September 2013, this is a compilation of visuals demonstrating anti-male bias promoted in academia by students, administrators, or faculty. Many of these phenomena are directly related to presumptions of guilt toward men and boys accused of Title IX-related offenses. This resource is the sibling of another one of our compilations: โ€œThe Language of Anti-Male Bias in Academiaโ€ which we also hope to republish soon. You can also visit ourย Title IX Lawsuits Databaseย for examples of life-altering injustices against male students.

We have provided images and descriptions below. If you value equal treatment, ask the most fundamental question regarding equality as you go through these images: would such messages be acceptable if they were directed toward any other group?

Student protesters hold banners that read "CASTRATE" and "give them equal measure."

The โ€œCastrateโ€ Banner โ€“ Duke University

In 2006, three male students who were members of Duke Universityโ€™s lacrosse team were falsely accused of rape. With overwhelming evidence in support of the falsely accused, the district attorney went so far as to declare them innocent. Before that happened, however, the lacrosse team was suspended, their coach was fired, and the students were subjected to a campaign of relentless harassment. In the picture above are students who are supportive of the false accuser. They are parading a banner around campus advocating the castration of the falsely accused students. Ironically, these students claim to be taking a stand against sexual violenceโ€ฆby openly advocating sexual violence in the form of forced castration. Far from disapproving of the message, Duke faculty thanked themย for โ€œnot waiting.โ€

Have you ever heard of students parading a banner through campus demanding the dismemberment of rape accusers, only to be later thanked by professors who regarded themselves as enlightened? Where in the world, and in what time period, might you find such barbarism?

The Duke Lacrosse false rape case was a spectacle to behold. It revealed โ€“ as in the above picture โ€“ that prejudice and hatred were not merely the behavior of โ€œlone wolvesโ€ or โ€œrandom assholes;โ€ on the contrary, they had become part of the communally shared value system of higher education.

The false accuser Crystal Mangum was not prosecuted for filing a false report. Being free to do so, she went on to stab her boyfriend to death in 2011, a crime for whichย she was convicted.

A poster that says two students, Jake and Josie, were both drunk and then hooked up. The poster blames Jake for rape based solely on the fact that both were drunk.

Both Sexes Drunk, Man Presumed Rapist โ€“ Coastal Carolina University

This poster tells us both sexes hooked up while drunk, but Jake is the only one charged with rape and โ€œa woman who is intoxicated cannot give her legal consent. It only takes a single day to ruin your life.โ€ The message is clear: CCU thinks it is acceptable to ruin the lives of male students based on their own double-standards and gender bias.

We might be tempted to think CCU is a bit misogynistic as well by implying that women are not capable of responsibility for their own behavior, but given that men are punished for mutual behavior itโ€™s hard to tell whether this is the infantilization of women or โ€“ a laย The Whipping Boy,ย a story where a commoner must accept punishment for the wrongs done by a prince โ€“ the royalization of them.

The message of this poster is not confined to just CCU; Duke University’s Dean of Students and Assistant VP for Student affairs, Sue Wasiolek, testified in a lawsuit that โ€œAssuming it is a male and female, it is the responsibility of the male to gain consent before proceeding with sex” in such situations.

Posters that list steps to preventing rape. Such steps include confining men to well-lit areas on campus, men wearing bells around their necks at all times, and protection officers accompanying men.

โ€œSteps to Preventing Rapeโ€ Poster โ€“ The University of Ottawa

According toย The Fulcrum, a student publication at the University of Ottawa, this poster hungย forย yearsย on a window at the Womenโ€™s Resource Centre on campus. This poster informs University of Ottawa students of appropriate steps to preventing rape, such as making sure male students are confined only to well-lit areas of the campus, that they should wear bells around their necks at all times, and that they be accompanied by police wherever they go.

Can you imagine if this was hung outside a โ€œWhite Studentโ€™s Centerโ€ and said such things about immigrants or people of color in this day and age? Do you think it would stay there for years?

A poster with photos of the entire Duke lacrosse team. The top of the poster says "Please come forward."

The Wanted Poster โ€“ Duke University

In addition to carrying around a banner reading โ€œcastrate,โ€ students supportive of the false accuser in the 2006 Duke lacrosse false rape case passed around what amounted to wanted posters with pictures of the entire team. This poster is also found in Dr. KC Johnson and Stuart Taylorโ€™s bookย Until Proven Innocent, a thorough account of the horrifying false rape case.

A poster that says "Dude tip: if you offer someone a ride, remember not to rape them."

The โ€œDudetipโ€ Poster โ€“ UCLA

Profiling a student on the basis of race is bad. Profiling a student on the basis of sex is good โ€“ assuming itโ€™s a male student, and especially if the person doing the profiling is part of the correct โ€œteam.โ€ This poster is one ofย several โ€œDudetipsโ€ย created by the UCLA student group Bruin Feminists for โ€œEquality,โ€ telling ordinary men how to resist their apparently irresistible urge to rape. How do you think a White Students group would be received if they posted such posters and simply changed โ€œdudetipโ€ to โ€œblacktipโ€ or โ€œbrowntipโ€?

Keith Edwards giving his "She Fears You" presentation to first-year students. In the background is a screen that says "She Fears You" in large letters.

โ€œShe Fears Youโ€ Presentation by Dr. Keith Edwards โ€“ SIXTY Colleges and Universities

According to Dr. Keith Edwardsโ€™s removed website (of which I still have screenshots), Dr. Edwards presented his lecture โ€œShe Fears You,โ€ complete with a presentation slide bearing those same words in big scary font, toย roughly 60 colleges and universities.ย The goal of the program is to teach male students that female students live in fear of them, and that the only way they can reclaim their humanity is to acknowledge their conscious or unconscious complicity in โ€œrape culture.โ€ Whenย this program was made mandatory for male students at Hamilton Collegeย in 2011, most of them simply walked out.

This kind of program must be approved by university administrators. If you are a student who was expelled by a school employing a Title IX/student life professional who worked at any of theย sixty schools on Keith Edwardโ€™s listย at the time of his presentation, please feel free to see if you can use this information in support of your gender bias claims.

A shirt worn by students in lower education that says "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them."

โ€œBoys Are Stupid [So Be Violent to Them]โ€ Clothing & Accessories โ€“ Schools Across the United States

Clothing and other products featuring the message โ€œBoys are Stupidโ€ became popular to wear in school after the turn of the millennium.ย An article inย Peopleย magazineย tells usย โ€œErika Kaminer is only 10, but she already knows how to make a provocative fashion statement: her T-shirt reads, โ€˜Boys Are Smelly;โ€™ her watch says, โ€˜Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them!โ€™ Says the Hewlett, N.Y., fourth grader of her garb: โ€˜I want to make boys feel bad because itโ€™s fun.โ€™โ€

Jane Ganahl, who taught at San Jose State, laughed it offย in an articleย by arguing that two wrongs make a right (since women are targeted with biased behavior as well) and even suggested wearing a t-shirt encouraging girls to fling feces at boys. โ€œShut up and get a life alreadyโ€ the title of her article reads.

A masked protestor at the University of Toronto holding a sign that says "sorry we hurt your man feels."

โ€œSorry We Hurt Your Manfeelzโ€ โ€“ University of Toronto

Do you think hatred of men and boys should be opposed? You may be guilty of โ€œmanfeelz.โ€ This is a protester from the 2013 lecture at the University of Toronto by Dr. Janice Fiamengo titled โ€œWhatโ€™s Wrong with Womenโ€™s Studies?โ€ The lecture focused on misandry and intellectual dishonesty in womenโ€™s studies. Protesters pulled fire alarms to shut down the event and harassed attendees. Read the full story in the postย โ€œThe University of Toronto: Cradle of a Revolution.โ€

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Video: Students Vote Against a Campus Menโ€™s Center โ€“ Simon Fraser University

Itโ€™s not often you see a video with a ~98% dislike rate after thousands of votes. Keenan Midgley at Simon Fraser University wanted to set up a menโ€™s center on campus. According toย a Macleanโ€™s article, Midgleyโ€™s reasoning was that โ€œhis gender deals with more suicides, alcoholism and drug abuse, and suffers negative stereotypes just like women do. โ€˜As a student society, weโ€™re supposed to represent all undergraduates. I donโ€™t think weโ€™re currently doing that,โ€™โ€ he said.

Apparently this was too much for campus activists, who decided that men should not have the right to organize or have a space to talk about their problems unless its every move obtained their stamp of approval. They accused this rather benign effort of being a breeding ground for sexism โ€“ without evidence, of course. The controversy promptedย an article inย The National Postย titled โ€œShocking Anti-Male Hatred at Simon Fraser University.โ€

Shirts hung on a clothesline at the University of Maryland. The shirts bear writing intended to support victims of sexual assault, but some of them are angry and some accusatory. One shirt lists the name of a student and says "you belong in jail but hell will be second best. You are the scum of the earth."

The Clothesline Project Names and Shames Male Students Without Verification / Due Process โ€“ University of Maryland

The University of Maryland is home to the Clothesline Project, an event which aims to empower victims of sexual assault by setting aside a space where they can write messages on t-shirts and leave them to hang on campus for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, for 17 years (from 1990 to 2007) many female students wrote the names of male students they accused of rape on these shirts, using this event as a forum to publicly demonize male students and ostracize them as rapists before the entire campus community.

After this went on for 17 years, the University of Maryland took action only after they were threatened with a lawsuit, telling students they could only write part of the names of their alleged assailants on the shirts. Many students were still able to use this to identify the men they accused, however. Read more inย this article inย The Baltimore Sun.

A reconstruction on the Phil Donahue show of the "rape list" accusing men of rape at Brown University.

The Rape List โ€“ Brown University

One of the earliest photographic captures of in-your-face misandry in academia is the Rape List at Brown University, seen here as a recreation onย The Phil Donahue Showย which ran in the 1990s. ย Asย an article inย The Baltimore Sunย reports, female students used bathroom walls to accuse male students of rape, writing their names as a โ€œwarningโ€ to other students. When custodians scrubbed the walls clean, the list would be rewritten again. Predictably, Feminist students defined the act of erasing these accusations as โ€œrape apologismโ€ and โ€œvictim blaming.โ€

In my study of sexism and misandry in academia, this case is unique because it was perhaps the only time that a higher education administrator dared to publicly call out sexism against male students before the age of the internet and when Feminism still held an overwhelming stranglehold on the discourse on gender in academia (late 90s, early 2000). According to the article, โ€œRobert Reichley, executive vice president for university relations. He says the university will no more tolerate anti-male graffiti than it allows misogynistic, homophobic or racist graffiti.โ€

A list of men accused of rape written on a bathroom stall.

The Rape List โ€“ Columbia University

More than happy to repeat history twenty-four years later, a group of activists at Columbia University decided to write the names of alleged โ€œsexual assault violatorsโ€ and โ€œrapistsโ€ on the bathroom walls.ย See our article about it here.

A sign at a parking space that says "this lower parking lot is reserved for women drivers from 6 PM to 10 PM."

Women-Only Parking at the University of Fraser Valley

The University of Fraser Valley has a problem. Not with violence, since records show that UFV is a rather safe campus. No, the problem is in deciding who, in those brief and isolated punctuations of time when violence occurs, should be safe from violence. Should UFV adopt an approach that does not exclude its students on the basis of sex, race, and so forth? Or should it adopt the position that some groups are more worthy of safety than others?ย They have chosen the latter.

One might wonder: are male students never assaulted? Are they never victims of crime? Of course they are. If the universityโ€™s argument is that women deserve special treatment because men are more likely to engage in street crime, would they also accept the rationalization that certain races should receive โ€œdibsโ€ on parking spaces for similar reasons? Of course not. Nor should anyone.

Seeย our article on women-only parking at UFV here.

A photo of a sign on the Women's Room at the University of Queensland. The poster says, "The women's room is a safer space for anyone who is not a "cis-man."

Poster at University of Queensland:
This Room is a โ€œSafer Space for Anyone Who is Not a Cis-Man.โ€

Some questions come to mind when viewing this poster. Most importantly, shouldnโ€™t spaces โ€“ especially ones watched over by those who claim to advocate equality โ€“ย be equally safe for all people? And if a particular place is safer for one demographic, doesnโ€™t that mean that it is less safe โ€“ i.e., more dangerous โ€“ for another?

What is the moral basis for making certain places safer for some, and more dangerous for others? What are the mechanisms by which these Feminists intend to enforce the unequal protections they wish to afford those who enter this space?

Click here to see our article addressing this poster.

A photo of a woman burning pages of the book The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff-Sommers.

Woman Burning Copies of Dr. Hoff-Sommersโ€™s Bookย The War Against Boys

Thereโ€™s something symbolic about burning a book that fits perfectly well with the mentality of those who oppose advocacy for men and boys in education. The burning of books has been a sign of intellectual and moral barbarism to the civilized world for decades.

Those who oppose educational equity for men and boys are often so narrow-minded and hateful that they cannot stand the mereย possibilityย of others speaking. And you can see this played out over and over again inย the articles here on free speech. You may also see ourย ย article that addresses this book-burning in greater detail here.

A photo of a feminist holding a medium-sized whiteboard that says, "I need feminism because no means no but sometimes yes doesn't mean yes."

โ€œNo Means No, Yes Doesnโ€™t Mean Yesโ€ โ€“ย Radcliffe Camera at Oxford

โ€œWho Needs Feminismโ€ย is a blog where Feminists submit pictures of themselves holding up messages telling us why we/they/everyone needs Feminism. Unfortunately, some Feminists (such as this student) arenโ€™t exactly painting Feminism in a positive light. Double-standards are depressingly common in accuser advocacy.

A poster on a school whiteboard that says "They've found something that does the work of 5 men: 1 woman."

Poster: One Woman is as Good as Five Men โ€“ High School Whiteboard

This one wasย submitted to Reddit in April of 2013. The author of the submission said โ€œFound this in a high school classroom. I politely asked the teacher to take it down. She laughed and told me to lighten up.โ€

A photo from an old textbook from 1994 that suggests men should attach warning labels to their penises if they have more than one sexual partner.

โ€œMale Penises Should Come with Warning Labelsโ€ Poster โ€“ Career & Life Management Textbook

According to the user inย his submission to Reddit, this is a poster used in anti-aids campaigns in the 90s, was featured in his Career and Life Management (CALM) textbook.

A banner created for a protest against "rape culture" in the wake of the false claims by Meg Lanker Simons. The banner presents many slogans and cliches of the feminist anti-rape movement.

False Rape Accusers Encouraging Armed Vigilantism โ€“ University of Wyoming

False rape accuser and feminist Meg Lanker-Simons put the University of Wyoming into an uproar when she made a rape threatย against herselfย on a Facebook page related to the university (story here). She also took part in an anti-โ€œrape cultureโ€ rally, where numerous banners such as this one were displayed.

Wait, whatโ€™s this written in purple near the bottom? โ€œUntil the rape of women ends good men need to arm ourselves and oppose abuse with defensiveโ€ฆactionโ€? Many innocent men have been killed or by grievously injured by โ€œgood menโ€ arming themselves to โ€œprotectโ€ women. In this case, feminists are making false rape accusations and deliberately encouraging armed vigilantism.

A photo of a flier created by a student group called Radical Riot that says "Want to stop rape on campus? Men: stop raping women. Men can stop rape."

โ€œMen: Stop Raping Women!โ€ Poster โ€“ Location Unknown

The origin of this poster is unknown. It was submitted to the authors of the Community of the Wrongly Accused in December of 2009 (see here).

A copy of the "Don't be that guy" poster which chastises men for thinking that "just because you help her home doesn't mean you get to help yourself."
A poster of the satirical "don't be that girl" campaign which says "just because you regret a one night stand doesn't mean it wasn't consensual."

โ€œDonโ€™t Be That Guy/Girlโ€ Posters โ€“ University of Alberta

When Women & Gender Studies Professor Lise Gotell spearheaded her โ€œDonโ€™t be that guyโ€ campaign designed to โ€œteach men not to rape,โ€ Menโ€™s Rights Edmonton launched their own campaign: โ€œDonโ€™t be that girl,โ€ using similar language designed to see if they could handle walking a mile in menโ€™s shoes. Instead of supporting the same message but with the sexes flipped, professors at the University of Alberta falsely accused the group of promoting โ€œrape apologismโ€ and โ€œvictim blaming.โ€ Read more on the storyย hereย andย here.

A photo of a flier advertisement for the Women's English Program at Curtin University. The flier invites students to "study English in a friendly, women-only environment."

โ€œWomen Onlyโ€ Education โ€“ Curtin U, and Elsewhere

Feminists tend to oppose segregated education where education reformists theorize that male students might benefit from classrooms geared more toward โ€œmale-friendly learning styles.โ€ Female-only environments do not tend to draw such opposition, however.


The below are reproductions of visuals reported by media sources to have been used in academia. Unfortunately, we do not have the originals. We only include the information presented in media reports in these reproductions.

A reconstruction of the original poster distributed throughout campus. The poster simply lists an accused male student under the heading "Rapist of the Month."

โ€œRapist of the Monthโ€ Poster โ€“ Oberlin College

I have not been able to find the poster behind this story (unfortunately, this was before the era of smartphones with cameras), which is why the above poster is my recreation of it based on news accounts I have read.ย An article in theย Toledo Bladeย tells the story:ย at Oberlin College, Feminist studentsย pulled an 18 year-old freshman studentโ€™s name at randomย from the campus directory and put his name on a poster that read โ€œRapist of the Month.โ€ They then distributed these posters across the campus.

The student was in shock when he found his name on the posters while walking around campus. As reported in the article, when news of the story became public Oberlin College sophomore Emily Loyd said โ€œSo many women get their lives totally ruined by being assaulted and not saying anything. So if one guy gets his life ruined, maybe it balances out.โ€

A reconstruction of the original poster distributed throughout campus. The poster simply lists male students pulled from the campus directory under a heading that says "Notice: These Men are Potential Rapists."

โ€œNotice: These Men are Potential Rapistsโ€ Poster โ€“ University of Maryland

Another recreation based upon the coverage I have read, since we are without the original.ย An article fromย The Baltimore Sunย tells us the story: โ€œAre nearly all male students at the University of Maryland โ€˜potential rapistsโ€™?ย Women in a feminist art class here apparently believe so. About 10 of them plastered the campus with fliers last weekย listing the names of virtually every male studentย under the heading, โ€˜NOTICE: THESE MEN ARE POTENTIAL RAPISTS.โ€™โ€

The Feminist students rationalized publicly designating countless male students as potential rapists. “A lot of people are upset by it, but I think if a man was secure he wasn’t a rapist, he wouldn’t be threatened by the list,” said Erin Lane, a senior economics major.

Another article on this matter by The Baltimore Sun can be found here.

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About the Author

Jonathan Taylor is Title IX for All's founder, editor, web designer, and database developer.

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  1. Jack Youngblood 09/26/2013 at 1:56 pm

    FYI.. The I need feminism poster photo was taken in Oxford, as we many of its ilk.

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 11/15/2013 at 11:16 am

      Do you have a link that shows it was at Oxford? Doing a follow-up on it.

  2. ZimbaZumba 09/26/2013 at 4:35 pm

    Curtin University seems to an egregiously anti-male institution. Check out their exclusive Ladies studio at the gym. http://recreation.curtin.edu.au/Ladies_studio.htm

    “Ladies Studio
    The Ladies Studio offers women the opportunity to improve their general health and fitness in a private welcoming environment, under the guidance of our friendly and qualified female staff.The Ladies Studio contains quality exercise equipment, with high definition televisions on the cardio equipment. Access to the ladies studio is via an exclusive ladies only area.”

    No equivalent facility for men.

  3. Pierce Harlan 09/26/2013 at 7:35 pm

    Jonathan, the most troubling aspect of the incidents where women “named” their rapist is the assault on the rights and dignity of the presumptively innocent. Somehow it is acceptable to tarnish innocent reputations because some women are raped. It is curious, and all too telling, that these efforts are not challenged in the feminist community.

    This is an excellent compilation.

    • DS 05/20/2014 at 11:00 pm

      Absolutely ridiculous, no victim has sued any of these insane harpies yet? I think that goes a little bit beyond defamation..

  4. Dan 10/13/2013 at 11:26 am

    Thanks for the compilation

  5. peacefulinvasion 10/16/2013 at 8:17 pm


    STOP IT…..just stop it. You are making a mess for the sane feminists like me to clean up. Because of you people wont take us seriously in areas where woman’s rights does apply. Heck we cannot bring up legit rape issues without being accused of being a feminazi. I’d like to bring up awareness for oppression in the middle east, i’d like to talk about issues in third world countries but i cant cause i’m so busy trying to make it so the world doesn’t see woman as false accusers because you femanazis want every man accused of being rape to go to jail without having a chance to defend himself. ITS HORRIBLE TO KNOW THAT THE REASON WHY SANE FEMINISTS ARE NEEDED IS TO CONTROL THE FEMINAZIS!

    I have a solution for rape. And yes this will make the MRAs happy and the feminists happy as well. Instead of teaching not to rape teach people what to do in the EVENT of rape. Make men and woman alike take self defense course giving them the ability to defend themselves and others who are in need of help. Teach people to report rape of all kinds. If you catch a person drugging another male or female intervene and warn the victim while also getting them away from the criminal. Make sure people are prepared incase rape does happen.

    This solution will make feminists and mras alike happy because it stops with accusing all men of being rapists. It isn’t a man’s duty to defend a woman. Its a HUMAN’S duty to look out and defend their fellow humans.

    • Lyn 05/21/2014 at 1:32 am

      The fact you would call someone a “femanazi”, isn’t helping your cause, because you are now ALLOWING it to be okay for people to say that word by using it yourself. Also, why NOT teach people not to rape? EVERYONE should be told “no means no” it doesn’t mean “try harder” or “go ahead anyways”. Sometimes women don’t want to, and sometimes men don’t want to and EVERYONE should respect that. Also, it should be taught that drunk people CANNOT consent EVER and to never have sex while drunk…EVER. I’m all for being prepared in case something happens, learn self defense to your heart’s content…but that can’t be the only thing that’s taught.

      • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 05/22/2014 at 6:05 am

        I agree that the word “feminazi” isn’t particularly helpful to men’s activism.

        I disagree with your expanded definitions of consent. If people can be held responsible for driving while drunk, they can be held responsible for having sex while drunk. Driving a car and having sex are not the same thing, but the point is irrelevant because individual agency – which is not negated by alcohol – is a common denominator between the two.

        If someone is passed-out and wasted, however, then certainly they cannot consent.

        And although I agree that no very likely means no the overwhelming majority of the time, I disagree that it always means no. People tease. People are sarcastic. When people suggest a sexual activity, sometimes people respond by sarcastically and coyly saying “oh baby, that would be HORRIBLE!” while pulling him/her against or into their body.

        Another way to look at it is this: if no always means no regardless of context, then yes would therefore always mean yes regardless of context. I don’t think that a person consents by saying “yes” if someone asks them to have sex while holding a gun to their head, and I hope you don’t either.

        Context matters, and body language is indeed real language.

    • Bora Bosna 04/10/2015 at 3:51 am

      “sane feminists” LOL.
      You cannot believe in the Patriarchy and be sane.

  6. Ram 11/05/2013 at 7:26 am

    Great work there, about time this was done.

  7. AK 11/05/2013 at 3:42 pm
  8. Adam McPhee 11/06/2013 at 3:15 pm

    One picture in particular made me write an article on it last night:


  9. Felipe Oliva Arriagada 02/12/2014 at 3:09 pm

    hahahahahahahahahahahaaha MRA losers keep whining

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 02/12/2014 at 4:18 pm

      Thank you for your comment. It will help me to teach the audience how to further recognize sexism, misandry, and so forth. To my readers:

      Notice this commenter calling me a “loser.” In a way, a person calling a man a “loser” is a lot like calling someone a woman “slut.” It is sex-based shaming language. In other words, it is sexist.

      Notice that women are rarely, if ever, called “losers,” whereas men are often called this. Women, by contrast, are often called “sluts,” whereas men virtually never are. Why? Because masculinity and men are judged by winning and losing, just as women are often judged by their sexual discretion.

      You will notice that Feminists and their friends, especially those on the internet, often call men’s advocates “losers,” whereas men’s advocates rarely call those who oppose them “Feminist sluts.” It’s interesting that the opponents of men’s advocates so often resort to sex-based shaming language – sexism, in other words – by calling men’s advocates “losers,” while themselves denying that it is possible for men to be the targets of sexism.

      Also, note the claim by this commenter that I am “whining.” I actually tend to keep a rather academic tone, as you can see by reading this article. But it is often an expectation (and a sexist one at that) that men are not allowed to acknowledge their vulnerability, let alone assert it when others deny it.

      This is, in essence, what this commenter is arguing. This is the mentality and worldview behind what he/she says. This commenter is an example of the kind of sexist and misandric mentality that is so pervasive in the world, which is why the problems in men’s and boys’ education have gotten as bad as they are.

      • humann 03/30/2014 at 9:39 pm

        Excellent response, thank you.

        • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 03/30/2014 at 9:42 pm

          You’re welcome :)

          • Lyn 05/21/2014 at 1:24 am

            Actually, I find it quite sexist that 1. You refer to this person as a “feminist” when you in fact have no idea if he/she is (I say he or she because, well, it’s the internet, I could be a 40yr old man today and 15yr old girl tomorrow) 2. Loser is NOT solely used towards men…not even often used towards men. It’s really quite a gender neutral term. Now, had this person called you a bastard or a dick, sure.
            While I find it…interesting that you are a… “male advocate” or, whatever you would like to call it. I found that your article was actually, kind of awful, it sounded like you were mocking these women. It is understandable that you don’t agree with some of the more…aggressive ways women try to make the differences known and try to stop inequality and whatever else, wouldn’t you try to help them be able to actually reach people? To make people actually listen?

          • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 05/22/2014 at 6:00 am

            1. I actually didn’t refer to that person as a Feminist. On the contrary, although I said that I have observed Feminists doing this, I actually referred to the person as a “commenter.” Look up and you’ll see it.

            2. Even if I did refer to him/her as a Feminist, I don’t think it would be sexist. Feminists are neither men nor women uniquely, but an ideological tribe, not too dissimilar from white nationalists, that includes both sexes.

            3. Loser is indeed often and disproportionately used toward men. Just like words like “slut” are used often and disproportionately toward women.

            4. Yes, I am mocking people who spread an ideology of hatred. They don’t deserve to be taken seriously, and the sooner the world laughs them off the stage the better.

            5. The people cited in this article (which – by the way – includes both men and women, not just women) are not just “aggressive.” They are bigoted and hateful.

            6. Listening is a two-way street.

            Thank you for your comment, commenter :)

  10. A Supporter 05/11/2014 at 1:34 pm

    I can help to update the location of “No Means No, Yes Doesnโ€™t Mean Yes”. It was taken in front of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford, located between two Oxford University colleges: Brasenose College and All Souls College:

    A supporter

    • Jonathan Taylor (TCM) 05/11/2014 at 1:39 pm

      Thank you! I have updated the post accordingly. Much appreciated.

  11. […] is a screenshot of her original post. I will be adding one of these pictures to the key AVFMS page โ€œThe Face of Misandry in Academia.โ€ Check it out if you havenโ€™t […]

  12. dave cooper 08/19/2014 at 6:27 pm

    The Karen Cunagin Sypher case in Louisville KY may be of interest to those who agree with the writer …. she got 87 months in prison for flasely accusing someone of rape.

  13. […] of the world’s work for 10% of the income and own 1% of the world’s property,”ย paste random women’s names on posters reading “Rapist of the Month, ” and burn boo…. They encourage reducing the female population as a form of “decontamination,” ideally […]

  14. […] of the world’s work for 10% of the income and own 1% of the world’s property,”ย paste random women’s names on posters reading “Rapist of the Month, ” and burn boo…. They encourage reducing the female population as a form of “decontamination,” ideally […]

  15. […] To clarify, this post is focused on misandry as it occurs in the spoken or written word only, but stops short of where misandry is presented visually on banners, posters, and so forth. If you would like examples of that, see the postย โ€œThe face of misandry in academia: a collection of banners, posters, and other visual aids.โ€ […]

  16. Antonio 12/26/2014 at 12:04 am

    And my school, UVA, got nailed by rolling stone because, as Sabrina Erdley admitted, UVA is a prestigious university without a real radical feminist movement. Sure there is the group, Feminism is for Everyone, but they’re not the radical hateful harpy type of feminist. I’m happy to go to a school that still prioritizes personal responsibility for the most part and isn’t into victim blaming.

  17. chiiill 02/17/2015 at 1:34 am

    Doesn’t “cheap date” mean a woman who gets drunk really easily and can’t handle her liquor?

    • Jonathan Taylor 02/17/2015 at 1:39 am


    • Bora Bosna 04/10/2015 at 3:53 am

      No, it means a man who does not pay for dinner/movie.

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