There’s a huge problem in lower education regarding sexual harassment.
No, scratch that.
There is huge problem with teachers, administrators, and the general academic culture set up to enforce sexual harassment policies. A story has emerged about a six-year-old boy in Canon City, Colorado – Hunter Yelton – who was suspended for kissing a girl on the hand. The mark of “sexual harasser” has also been put on his permanent record.
District superintendent Robin Gooldy said “no legal action is anticipated because it was only a violation of school policy.” The very fact that this administrator even mentions the notion of taking legal action against a six-year-old boy should tell you a lot about the mindset of education administrators.
This is not the first case out of Colorado. Just last year six-year-old D’Avonte Meadows was suspended from Sable Elementary School for singing the chorus to “I’m sexy and I Know It.” Although, of course, he didn’t “know it.” He didn’t even know what the words meant. He just saw a bunch of adults singing a silly song, and decided to repeat it.
We don’t have to look far elsewhere to find more of this kind of insanity. In North Carolina, nine-year-old Emanyea Lockette was suspended for sexual harassment for commenting to another student that his teacher was “cute.” In Waco, Texas, four-year-old Demarcus Blackwell was labeled a sexual harasser for giving a teacher a hug.
How widespread is the labeling of little children as “sexual harassers”? Here’s a snapshot from Maryland in 2008, courtesy of the Washington Post:
In Maryland, 166 elementary school children were suspended last year for sexual harassment, including three preschoolers, 16 kindergartners and 22 first-graders, according to the State Department of Education.
How the hell do you suspend preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders for sexual behavior?
I could go on and on about the long list of insane administrative decisions regarding sexual harassment, as I have done in the past (see here and here). But I’m not going to do so now.
We criticize individual cases and individual administrators. As we should. Paul Elam over at A Voice for Men has written a scathing and well-warranted criticism of the administrators in the recent Hunter Yelton case. It’s well-worth a read.
But one thing I never see coming from any sector (men’s movement or otherwise) is a blunt and broad policy recommendation for such cases as these.
Well, allow me.
Prepubescent children should not be labeled sexual harassers.
As in, across the board. As in, at no time and in no place should any child too young to even understand what sex is be given such a label. And any adult who places such a label on a child should be regarded as the person who is really imposing their sexuality on others.
The reasons are so obvious to everyone except those working in public education. Indeed, the very fact that anyone has to explain why a prepubescent boy should not be labeled a sexual harasser only speaks of how politically diseased, misguided, disconnected, and anti-male our education system has become.
It’s really quite simple. Prepubescent children don’t know what sexuality is. They have no conceptualization of it. Hence, they are not capable of sexuality. They are only capable of imitating adult behavior which they do not yet understand.
Rather than any kind of “sexual harassment” being played out on the part of children, what we are seeing is adults imposing their own conceptualizations of sexuality upon schoolchildren. They are constructing children’s sexuality for them, rather than schoolchildren doing it themselves.
And teachers and administrators have absolutely no business doing anything like that.
Sometimes boys will actually just be boys, and kids will just be kids. It’s long past time that we tossed this Feminist-inspired nonsense into the garbage bin of history.
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There’s a huge problem in lower education regarding sexual harassment.
No, scratch that.
There is huge problem with teachers, administrators, and the general academic culture set up to enforce sexual harassment policies. A story has emerged about a six-year-old boy in Canon City, Colorado – Hunter Yelton – who was suspended for kissing a girl on the hand. The mark of “sexual harasser” has also been put on his permanent record.
District superintendent Robin Gooldy said “no legal action is anticipated because it was only a violation of school policy.” The very fact that this administrator even mentions the notion of taking legal action against a six-year-old boy should tell you a lot about the mindset of education administrators.
This is not the first case out of Colorado. Just last year six-year-old D’Avonte Meadows was suspended from Sable Elementary School for singing the chorus to “I’m sexy and I Know It.” Although, of course, he didn’t “know it.” He didn’t even know what the words meant. He just saw a bunch of adults singing a silly song, and decided to repeat it.
We don’t have to look far elsewhere to find more of this kind of insanity. In North Carolina, nine-year-old Emanyea Lockette was suspended for sexual harassment for commenting to another student that his teacher was “cute.” In Waco, Texas, four-year-old Demarcus Blackwell was labeled a sexual harasser for giving a teacher a hug.
How widespread is the labeling of little children as “sexual harassers”? Here’s a snapshot from Maryland in 2008, courtesy of the Washington Post:
In Maryland, 166 elementary school children were suspended last year for sexual harassment, including three preschoolers, 16 kindergartners and 22 first-graders, according to the State Department of Education.
How the hell do you suspend preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders for sexual behavior?
I could go on and on about the long list of insane administrative decisions regarding sexual harassment, as I have done in the past (see here and here). But I’m not going to do so now.
We criticize individual cases and individual administrators. As we should. Paul Elam over at A Voice for Men has written a scathing and well-warranted criticism of the administrators in the recent Hunter Yelton case. It’s well-worth a read.
But one thing I never see coming from any sector (men’s movement or otherwise) is a blunt and broad policy recommendation for such cases as these.
Well, allow me.
Prepubescent children should not be labeled sexual harassers.
As in, across the board. As in, at no time and in no place should any child too young to even understand what sex is be given such a label. And any adult who places such a label on a child should be regarded as the person who is really imposing their sexuality on others.
The reasons are so obvious to everyone except those working in public education. Indeed, the very fact that anyone has to explain why a prepubescent boy should not be labeled a sexual harasser only speaks of how politically diseased, misguided, disconnected, and anti-male our education system has become.
It’s really quite simple. Prepubescent children don’t know what sexuality is. They have no conceptualization of it. Hence, they are not capable of sexuality. They are only capable of imitating adult behavior which they do not yet understand.
Rather than any kind of “sexual harassment” being played out on the part of children, what we are seeing is adults imposing their own conceptualizations of sexuality upon schoolchildren. They are constructing children’s sexuality for them, rather than schoolchildren doing it themselves.
And teachers and administrators have absolutely no business doing anything like that.
Sometimes boys will actually just be boys, and kids will just be kids. It’s long past time that we tossed this Feminist-inspired nonsense into the garbage bin of history.
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Great article and I could not agree more, keep up the great work.
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Great article and I could not agree more, keep up the great work.
Thanks. Will do.