Every month, we distribute a “Title IX Recap,” providing a highlight of the previous month’s litigation, advocacy, and other Title IX-related matters. As always, more information on any lawsuits by accused students or Title IX OCR resolutions will be found in our Accused Students Database and OCR Resolutions Database respectively.
Survey Confirms Unfairness of Campus Title IX on Due Process
“..the survey’s own data suggests that even before the formal adjudication process occurs, the Title IX process is deeply biased against the accused.”
Benefits of Hiring a Title IX Lawyer Quickly
“It is critical that you retain a Title IX defense attorney as soon as possible after being notified of the complaint.”
UC Regents Discuss Title IX, Review UC Handling of Sexual Misconduct Cases
Article discusses several critical university losses by U of California. In one, “The judge called the case ‘noticeably absent of even a semblance of due process.’” All lawsuits are in our Title IX Legal Database.
Judge dismisses former student’s lawsuit against WU after expulsion following Title IX investigation
Article regarding Doe v. Washington University parrots accuser’s rights advocates w/o quoting any for accused students.
End Rape on Campus Reaches a Terminal Stage
“Unfortunately, EROC has found itself in the position that we cannot continue to employ even this smaller team.”
Colorado’s 11-member Title IX review committee includes one rep for accused students
“Heavily stacked with pro-accuser representatives.”
Library says ‘Girls Who Code’ program doesn’t violate Title IX because it lets in boys (if they ask)
“‘A Boys Who Code program would never be allowed,’ activist scoffs.”
Kenyon College President on Federal Title IX changes
As usual, “colleges are not courts,” but only when it comes to rights for the accused
Title IX for All Website Revamp
We’ve overhauled our website. This article will explain the changes. View the new front page at https://titleixforall.com
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Related Posts
Every month, we distribute a “Title IX Recap,” providing a highlight of the previous month’s litigation, advocacy, and other Title IX-related matters. As always, more information on any lawsuits by accused students or Title IX OCR resolutions will be found in our Accused Students Database and OCR Resolutions Database respectively.
Survey Confirms Unfairness of Campus Title IX on Due Process
“..the survey’s own data suggests that even before the formal adjudication process occurs, the Title IX process is deeply biased against the accused.”
Benefits of Hiring a Title IX Lawyer Quickly
“It is critical that you retain a Title IX defense attorney as soon as possible after being notified of the complaint.”
UC Regents Discuss Title IX, Review UC Handling of Sexual Misconduct Cases
Article discusses several critical university losses by U of California. In one, “The judge called the case ‘noticeably absent of even a semblance of due process.’” All lawsuits are in our Title IX Legal Database.
Judge dismisses former student’s lawsuit against WU after expulsion following Title IX investigation
Article regarding Doe v. Washington University parrots accuser’s rights advocates w/o quoting any for accused students.
End Rape on Campus Reaches a Terminal Stage
“Unfortunately, EROC has found itself in the position that we cannot continue to employ even this smaller team.”
Colorado’s 11-member Title IX review committee includes one rep for accused students
“Heavily stacked with pro-accuser representatives.”
Library says ‘Girls Who Code’ program doesn’t violate Title IX because it lets in boys (if they ask)
“‘A Boys Who Code program would never be allowed,’ activist scoffs.”
Kenyon College President on Federal Title IX changes
As usual, “colleges are not courts,” but only when it comes to rights for the accused
Title IX for All Website Revamp
We’ve overhauled our website. This article will explain the changes. View the new front page at https://titleixforall.com
Accused Students Database
Research due process and similar lawsuits by students accused of Title IX violations (sexual assault, harassment, dating violence, stalking, etc.) in higher education.
OCR Resolutions Database
Research resolved Title IX investigations of K-12 and postsecondary institutions by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
Attorneys Directory
A basic directory for looking up Title IX attorneys, most of whom have represented parties in litigation by accused students.