Every month, we distribute a “Title IX Recap,” providing a highlight of the previous month’s litigation, advocacy, and other Title IX-related matters. As always, more information on any lawsuits by accused students or Title IX OCR resolutions will be found in our Accused Students Database and OCR Resolutions Database respectively.

Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Accused Student’s Title IX Claim

At the hearing, the panel only asked his accuser “did you give consent?” while interrupting and denying several of his advisor’s cross-examination questions. He was found responsible and his appeal on both the finding and the sanction was denied.

Accused Student’s Lawsuit Versus Rutgers Survives Dismissal

“Plaintiff alleges sufficient procedural flaws to raise a plausible inference of discrimination based on sex…the Court finds that Plaintiff has raised a plausible inference that sex was a motivating factor in Rutgers’ disciplinary process and its decision to suspend Plaintiff.”

Indiana University’s sexual misconduct policy discriminatory, jury finds

“In a lawsuit filed in 2022, his attorney Jon Little argued that by denying Doe’s right to cross-examine witnesses, be represented by an attorney at the hearing and receive a hearing by an impartial hearing under the presumption of innocence, IU’s policy went against Title IX regulations issued in 2020.”

Virginia Tech defeats former student’s due process claim

Defeat at summary judgment: “Where a former Virginia Tech student alleged he was denied due process during a disciplinary proceeding, but the record showed he received constitutionally sufficient notice and had a meaningful opportunity to prepare for the hearing, the university prevailed on this claim.”

Lawsuit: Male Student Falsely Accused of Rape Suffered Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment 

“When Plaintiff’s ex-girlfriend and fellow BFA student Jane Roe (“Roe”) harassed Plaintiff and told numerous students and professors alike that Plaintiff was a rapist, it had a dramatic and profound impact on his access to his education.”

Updates to Regulations Section of Accused Students Database

Search and compare old and new regulations regarding Title IX grievance procedures with new and refined features.

Lawsuit: University Counselor Betrayed Falsely Accused Student

A lawsuit alleges a university counselor initiated an unauthorized investigation against a falsely accused student who confided in her about the pain of being wrongly accused.

University Student Expelled After ‘Accidentally’ Stabbing Ex-Boyfriend Sues School For Violating Civil Rights

“The suit alleges that Roe and Doe got into a heated argument at Doe’s off-campus residence in February of 2022, where he asked her to leave and threatened to cut up her purse with a pair of scissors. Roe picked up a small paring knife in fear, and attempted to get her purse back when Doe ‘accidentally leaned into the knife’ and was injured.”

NCLA Secures Trial in Ex-Professor’s Case Against Cornell’s Title IX Kangaroo Court

“Dr. Vengalattore was a tenure-track Cornell University physics professor in 2014 when a former graduate student sought to interfere with his tenure and made a false sexual misconduct allegation…While the Court dismissed Dr. Vengalattore’s claim that Cornell defamed him, it rejected the university’s motion for summary judgement in the lawsuit.”

Conservative group sues Northwestern Law, alleging discrimination against white men

“The lawsuit states that ‘for at least the last 12 years, since the installation of then-Dean Daniel Rodriguez, the leadership of Northwestern Law School has propagated and enforced a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible.’”

Hirono, colleagues introduce legislation to support survivors of sexual assault on campus

“The S.O.S. Campus Act would require campuses to have an independent advocate to conduct public information campaigns on sexual assault prevention.”

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About the Author

Title IX for All is a U.S.-based organization that advocates fairness and equal treatment in education. Our main activities are database development, writing, counseling, publishing, research, public speaking, and networking.

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More from Title IX for All

Accused Students Database

Research due process and similar lawsuits by students accused of Title IX violations (sexual assault, harassment, dating violence, stalking, etc.) in higher education.

OCR Resolutions Database

Research resolved Title IX investigations of K-12 and postsecondary institutions by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

Attorneys Directory

A basic directory for looking up Title IX attorneys, most of whom have represented parties in litigation by accused students.

Every month, we distribute a “Title IX Recap,” providing a highlight of the previous month’s litigation, advocacy, and other Title IX-related matters. As always, more information on any lawsuits by accused students or Title IX OCR resolutions will be found in our Accused Students Database and OCR Resolutions Database respectively.

Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Accused Student’s Title IX Claim

At the hearing, the panel only asked his accuser “did you give consent?” while interrupting and denying several of his advisor’s cross-examination questions. He was found responsible and his appeal on both the finding and the sanction was denied.

Accused Student’s Lawsuit Versus Rutgers Survives Dismissal

“Plaintiff alleges sufficient procedural flaws to raise a plausible inference of discrimination based on sex…the Court finds that Plaintiff has raised a plausible inference that sex was a motivating factor in Rutgers’ disciplinary process and its decision to suspend Plaintiff.”

Indiana University’s sexual misconduct policy discriminatory, jury finds

“In a lawsuit filed in 2022, his attorney Jon Little argued that by denying Doe’s right to cross-examine witnesses, be represented by an attorney at the hearing and receive a hearing by an impartial hearing under the presumption of innocence, IU’s policy went against Title IX regulations issued in 2020.”

Virginia Tech defeats former student’s due process claim

Defeat at summary judgment: “Where a former Virginia Tech student alleged he was denied due process during a disciplinary proceeding, but the record showed he received constitutionally sufficient notice and had a meaningful opportunity to prepare for the hearing, the university prevailed on this claim.”

Lawsuit: Male Student Falsely Accused of Rape Suffered Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment 

“When Plaintiff’s ex-girlfriend and fellow BFA student Jane Roe (“Roe”) harassed Plaintiff and told numerous students and professors alike that Plaintiff was a rapist, it had a dramatic and profound impact on his access to his education.”

Updates to Regulations Section of Accused Students Database

Search and compare old and new regulations regarding Title IX grievance procedures with new and refined features.

Lawsuit: University Counselor Betrayed Falsely Accused Student

A lawsuit alleges a university counselor initiated an unauthorized investigation against a falsely accused student who confided in her about the pain of being wrongly accused.

University Student Expelled After ‘Accidentally’ Stabbing Ex-Boyfriend Sues School For Violating Civil Rights

“The suit alleges that Roe and Doe got into a heated argument at Doe’s off-campus residence in February of 2022, where he asked her to leave and threatened to cut up her purse with a pair of scissors. Roe picked up a small paring knife in fear, and attempted to get her purse back when Doe ‘accidentally leaned into the knife’ and was injured.”

NCLA Secures Trial in Ex-Professor’s Case Against Cornell’s Title IX Kangaroo Court

“Dr. Vengalattore was a tenure-track Cornell University physics professor in 2014 when a former graduate student sought to interfere with his tenure and made a false sexual misconduct allegation…While the Court dismissed Dr. Vengalattore’s claim that Cornell defamed him, it rejected the university’s motion for summary judgement in the lawsuit.”

Conservative group sues Northwestern Law, alleging discrimination against white men

“The lawsuit states that ‘for at least the last 12 years, since the installation of then-Dean Daniel Rodriguez, the leadership of Northwestern Law School has propagated and enforced a mandate to hire as many non-white and non-male faculty candidates as possible.’”

Hirono, colleagues introduce legislation to support survivors of sexual assault on campus

“The S.O.S. Campus Act would require campuses to have an independent advocate to conduct public information campaigns on sexual assault prevention.”

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If you like what you have read, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here:

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If you like our work, consider supporting it via a donation or signing up for a database.

About the Author

Title IX for All is a U.S.-based organization that advocates fairness and equal treatment in education. Our main activities are database development, writing, counseling, publishing, research, public speaking, and networking.

Related Posts

More from Title IX for All

Accused Students Database

Research due process and similar lawsuits by students accused of Title IX violations (sexual assault, harassment, dating violence, stalking, etc.) in higher education.

OCR Resolutions Database

Research resolved Title IX investigations of K-12 and postsecondary institutions by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

Attorneys Directory

A basic directory for looking up Title IX attorneys, most of whom have represented parties in litigation by accused students.