We continue in our commitment to improve our existing resources. In our thirty-second database upgrade and the last one for 2023, we have significantly improved the user experience when viewing our databases on screens smaller than thirteen inches, especially on tablets and mobile devices. Navigation is more efficient, and records are displayed with greater clarity. These changes affect all our databases:

For this upgrade, we examined every database module – every data table, map, list, search engine, and so forth – to determine if presentation and interactivity could be improved for smaller screens. In about one third of cases, we re-imagined and re-created modules from scratch that will display exclusively on smaller screens. In another one third of cases, we found that tweaking existing modules was sufficient. In the last third of cases, we determined that existing database modules already translated well to smaller screens and that no further changes were needed.

To simplify, about two thirds of the database structure as displayed on mobile and tablet devices is improved. Below, we’ll give examples of these changes and then discuss some additional considerations and implementations.

Examples of Improvements

Table Views Converted to Card Views on Smaller Devices

Previously, while our databases were accessible on mobile devices, they were primarily structured toward desktop viewing. Smaller devices could display them, but not optimally. As an example, consider this screenshot of a table of lawsuits as displayed on a desktop computer:

A screenshot of a full table of lawsuit records in the Title IX Lawsuits Database. The data are neatly displayed within the table.

Now look at how that same table would display on mobile devices before this upgrade:

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device before this upgrade. Most of the table is cut off and is offscreen.

As the mobile screenshot shows, users could view the offscreen portion of the table by scrolling horizontally and additional records by scrolling vertically, but this was too laborious, and it was clear the data were not arranged optimally.

We have converted all tables to a โ€œcardโ€ layout when viewing them on mobile and tablet devices. As an example, here is what it now looks like when viewing the same lawsuit horizontally on a mobile device (this is also similar to the new tablet view):

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device. The data is neatly contained in an individual "card."

And below are before and after screenshots of what viewing the same table of lawsuit records looks like on a mobile device when holding your phone vertically:

Old Mobile Vertical View

Most of the lawsuit record is cut off. Users must scroll horizontally and vertically to view more data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device before this upgrade. Most of the table is cut off and is offscreen.

New Mobile Vertical View

The lawsuit record is neatly contained in a “card.” Users need only scroll vertically to view additional data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device. The data is neatly contained in an individual "card."

This change affects not only lawsuit tables, but also court, school, attorney, judge, OCR office, OCR personnel, oral argument, and other tables.

New List Views

To drill deeper into a specific record โ€“ say, a lawsuit, judge, OCR office, or attorney record โ€“ users would be directed to โ€œDetailโ€ pages by โ€œView Moreโ€ buttons such as the ones shown in the screenshots above. These Detail pages present all the information we have on that record, with much of that data displayed in a list view.

Traditionally, we have oriented the labels for each data category to be leftward of the data. This posed a challenge when displaying data on smaller devices, especially vertically on mobile devices.

Here, we found tweaking existing structures sufficient rather than re-creating them entirely, meaning the desktop, mobile, and tablet versions have all been updated. The columns will naturally reposition when viewed on smaller devices. You can see this in the below old and new examples:

Old Desktop View

A screenshot of the revised "detail" view of a lawsuit record on a desktop device before this upgrade. The columns in this view did not translate well to mobile and tablet devices because the data was crammed into tiny columns due to the data labels being leftward of the data.

New Desktop View

A screenshot of the revised "detail" view of a lawsuit record on a desktop device after this upgrade. Excessive white space has been eliminated. Data labels are now above rather than leftward of the data in each column. This will translate better to mobile and tablet devices.

Old Vertical Mobile View

A screenshot of a vertical view of "details" view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device before this upgrade. The data is crammed into tiny columns due to the data labels being leftward of the data.

New Vertical Mobile View

A screenshot of a vertical view of "details" view of a court record on a mobile device after this upgrade. The data is now more neatly displayed rather than being crammed into excessively thin columns.

Old Horizontal Mobile (Similar to Old Tablet) View

A screenshot of a horizontal view of "details" view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device before this upgrade. The view has excessive white space that could be better utilized.

New Horizontal Mobile (Similar to New Tablet) View

A screenshot of a horizontal view of "details" view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device after this upgrade. The data is now more neatly displayed rather than being crammed into excessively thin columns.

Examples from the OCR Resolutions Database

The above examples come from the Title IX Lawsuits Database. Here are some examples from the OCR Resolutions Database.

OCR Resolutions Table, Old Mobile Horizontal View

Similar to the table of lawsuits from the Title IX Lawsuits Database, about 60% of the tables of OCR resolutions were cut off and required excessive navigation to view. We fixed that by changing the table view to a card view (see next several screenshots).

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device before this upgrade. The table is cut off and is mostly offscreen.

OCR Resolutions List, New Mobile Horizontal View

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device after this upgrade. The data is neatly contained on an individual "card."

Old Mobile Vertical View

Only two columns of data per resolution were shown. Users must scroll horizontally and vertically to view more data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of a table of OCR resolution records on a mobile device before this upgrade. Most of the table is cut off and is offscreen.

New Mobile Vertical View

All data points are neatly contained in a โ€œcard.โ€ Users need only scroll vertically to view additional data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of an OCR resolution record on a mobile device. The data is neatly contained in an individual "card."

Additional Considerations and Implementations

We’d like to address a few curiosities that we came across and imagine a few users may have as well.

Court Naming Conventions

Since a key element of this upgrade is optimizing space, we revisited the naming conventions for much of our data, including courts. If we used the full name for each court – such as โ€œU.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvaniaโ€ – users would quickly find the size of database tables ballooning to an excessively large portion of the screen while not presenting enough meaningful data to justify that kind of space.

However, if we were to exclusively use bluebook abbreviations for courts such as D.S.C. or D.R.I. (U.S. District Court for the Districts of South Carolina and Rhode Island, respectively), our users who are not legal professionals (a bit over half of our user base) would have much greater difficulty identifying the courts at a glance.

Having experimented with multiple naming conventions, we will continue to use the convention used by PACER (e.g., โ€œNew York Southern District Courtโ€) for federal courts as this appears to be a reasonable middle-ground.

Ultrawide Monitors

ThinkVision P49w-30 49inches HDMI Monitor

Desktop viewing has been normalized for screens thirteen inches or larger. There is some play in the joints depending on what you are viewing but not that much. Any broad range above that – such as above thirty inches – is getting into ultrawide monitor territory. Ultrawide monitors will easily display all the modules and data available in our databases, but the current downside of using an ultrawide monitor is that the screen will display a larger amount of white space in certain areas where additional data could otherwise be displayed.

Since we spend a considerable amount of time working with large spreadsheets with dozens of columns, we are enthusiastic ultrawide users but recognize that we are in the minority. Beyond the traditional single-monitor setup, dual monitor use is much more common than ultrawide, so when it comes to optimizing for desktop viewing we will prioritize screens between thirteen and thirty inches.

That being said, we are open to looking into optimizing for ultrawide monitors in the future, but other initiatives will be taking priority for quite a while.

Additional Implementations

We have made a few minor additions and subtractions that we believe will provide a better overall user experience.

Judge Photos

We have removed judge photos from the databases. While it was nice to see a judge’s professional photo, such images were a particular offender for space constraints, especially in tables. Additionally, judge photos often varied wildly in resolution and other markers of quality, and they were unavailable in too many cases. On balance, we thought it best to remove them.

Oral Argument Case Numbers

Wherever oral arguments records are displayed, their associated case number fields will now only display the case number for that particular oral argument rather than all the case numbers for the lawsuit. This change will make searches more precise and cut down on excessive table sizes, especially for smaller devices.

“Number of Key Decisions” Tally

For the Title IX Lawsuits Database, we have updated court tables, court “Detail” pages, and court search engines to include a tally of the number of key decisions (e.g., Motions for Summary Judgment, Motions to Dismiss, etc.) made by that court.

Other Minor Changes

We have made a few other changes due to space concerns and to normalize tables for desktop, mobile, and tablet sizes. States are now always displayed by their abbreviations (e.g., MA instead of the much longer Massachusetts). Button sizes have also been reduced so that they are still conspicuous but not as greedy with regard to space.


This is the thirty-third upgrade to our databases since we relaunched the Title IX Lawsuits Database in November 2018 and the final upgrade for 2023. You can see a full list of all upgrades here. Thank you for your interest and support of our work. We look forward to discussing our future plans soon.

Thank You for Reading

If you like what you have read, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here:

Support Our Work

If you like our work, consider supporting it via a donationย or signing up for aย database.

About the Author

Title IX for All is a U.S.-based organization that advocates fairness and equal treatment in education. Our main activities are database development, writing, counseling, publishing, research, public speaking, and networking.

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We continue in our commitment to improve our existing resources. In our thirty-second database upgrade and the last one for 2023, we have significantly improved the user experience when viewing our databases on screens smaller than thirteen inches, especially on tablets and mobile devices. Navigation is more efficient, and records are displayed with greater clarity. These changes affect all our databases:

For this upgrade, we examined every database module – every data table, map, list, search engine, and so forth – to determine if presentation and interactivity could be improved for smaller screens. In about one third of cases, we re-imagined and re-created modules from scratch that will display exclusively on smaller screens. In another one third of cases, we found that tweaking existing modules was sufficient. In the last third of cases, we determined that existing database modules already translated well to smaller screens and that no further changes were needed.

To simplify, about two thirds of the database structure as displayed on mobile and tablet devices is improved. Below, we’ll give examples of these changes and then discuss some additional considerations and implementations.

Examples of Improvements

Table Views Converted to Card Views on Smaller Devices

Previously, while our databases were accessible on mobile devices, they were primarily structured toward desktop viewing. Smaller devices could display them, but not optimally. As an example, consider this screenshot of a table of lawsuits as displayed on a desktop computer:

A screenshot of a full table of lawsuit records in the Title IX Lawsuits Database. The data are neatly displayed within the table.

Now look at how that same table would display on mobile devices before this upgrade:

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device before this upgrade. Most of the table is cut off and is offscreen.

As the mobile screenshot shows, users could view the offscreen portion of the table by scrolling horizontally and additional records by scrolling vertically, but this was too laborious, and it was clear the data were not arranged optimally.

We have converted all tables to a โ€œcardโ€ layout when viewing them on mobile and tablet devices. As an example, here is what it now looks like when viewing the same lawsuit horizontally on a mobile device (this is also similar to the new tablet view):

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device. The data is neatly contained in an individual "card."

And below are before and after screenshots of what viewing the same table of lawsuit records looks like on a mobile device when holding your phone vertically:

Old Mobile Vertical View

Most of the lawsuit record is cut off. Users must scroll horizontally and vertically to view more data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device before this upgrade. Most of the table is cut off and is offscreen.

New Mobile Vertical View

The lawsuit record is neatly contained in a “card.” Users need only scroll vertically to view additional data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device. The data is neatly contained in an individual "card."

This change affects not only lawsuit tables, but also court, school, attorney, judge, OCR office, OCR personnel, oral argument, and other tables.

New List Views

To drill deeper into a specific record โ€“ say, a lawsuit, judge, OCR office, or attorney record โ€“ users would be directed to โ€œDetailโ€ pages by โ€œView Moreโ€ buttons such as the ones shown in the screenshots above. These Detail pages present all the information we have on that record, with much of that data displayed in a list view.

Traditionally, we have oriented the labels for each data category to be leftward of the data. This posed a challenge when displaying data on smaller devices, especially vertically on mobile devices.

Here, we found tweaking existing structures sufficient rather than re-creating them entirely, meaning the desktop, mobile, and tablet versions have all been updated. The columns will naturally reposition when viewed on smaller devices. You can see this in the below old and new examples:

Old Desktop View

A screenshot of the revised "detail" view of a lawsuit record on a desktop device before this upgrade. The columns in this view did not translate well to mobile and tablet devices because the data was crammed into tiny columns due to the data labels being leftward of the data.

New Desktop View

A screenshot of the revised "detail" view of a lawsuit record on a desktop device after this upgrade. Excessive white space has been eliminated. Data labels are now above rather than leftward of the data in each column. This will translate better to mobile and tablet devices.

Old Vertical Mobile View

A screenshot of a vertical view of "details" view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device before this upgrade. The data is crammed into tiny columns due to the data labels being leftward of the data.

New Vertical Mobile View

A screenshot of a vertical view of "details" view of a court record on a mobile device after this upgrade. The data is now more neatly displayed rather than being crammed into excessively thin columns.

Old Horizontal Mobile (Similar to Old Tablet) View

A screenshot of a horizontal view of "details" view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device before this upgrade. The view has excessive white space that could be better utilized.

New Horizontal Mobile (Similar to New Tablet) View

A screenshot of a horizontal view of "details" view of a lawsuit record on a mobile device after this upgrade. The data is now more neatly displayed rather than being crammed into excessively thin columns.

Examples from the OCR Resolutions Database

The above examples come from the Title IX Lawsuits Database. Here are some examples from the OCR Resolutions Database.

OCR Resolutions Table, Old Mobile Horizontal View

Similar to the table of lawsuits from the Title IX Lawsuits Database, about 60% of the tables of OCR resolutions were cut off and required excessive navigation to view. We fixed that by changing the table view to a card view (see next several screenshots).

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device before this upgrade. The table is cut off and is mostly offscreen.

OCR Resolutions List, New Mobile Horizontal View

A screenshot of a horizontal view of a table of lawsuit records on a mobile device after this upgrade. The data is neatly contained on an individual "card."

Old Mobile Vertical View

Only two columns of data per resolution were shown. Users must scroll horizontally and vertically to view more data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of a table of OCR resolution records on a mobile device before this upgrade. Most of the table is cut off and is offscreen.

New Mobile Vertical View

All data points are neatly contained in a โ€œcard.โ€ Users need only scroll vertically to view additional data.

A screenshot of a vertical view of an OCR resolution record on a mobile device. The data is neatly contained in an individual "card."

Additional Considerations and Implementations

We’d like to address a few curiosities that we came across and imagine a few users may have as well.

Court Naming Conventions

Since a key element of this upgrade is optimizing space, we revisited the naming conventions for much of our data, including courts. If we used the full name for each court – such as โ€œU.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvaniaโ€ – users would quickly find the size of database tables ballooning to an excessively large portion of the screen while not presenting enough meaningful data to justify that kind of space.

However, if we were to exclusively use bluebook abbreviations for courts such as D.S.C. or D.R.I. (U.S. District Court for the Districts of South Carolina and Rhode Island, respectively), our users who are not legal professionals (a bit over half of our user base) would have much greater difficulty identifying the courts at a glance.

Having experimented with multiple naming conventions, we will continue to use the convention used by PACER (e.g., โ€œNew York Southern District Courtโ€) for federal courts as this appears to be a reasonable middle-ground.

Ultrawide Monitors

ThinkVision P49w-30 49inches HDMI Monitor

Desktop viewing has been normalized for screens thirteen inches or larger. There is some play in the joints depending on what you are viewing but not that much. Any broad range above that – such as above thirty inches – is getting into ultrawide monitor territory. Ultrawide monitors will easily display all the modules and data available in our databases, but the current downside of using an ultrawide monitor is that the screen will display a larger amount of white space in certain areas where additional data could otherwise be displayed.

Since we spend a considerable amount of time working with large spreadsheets with dozens of columns, we are enthusiastic ultrawide users but recognize that we are in the minority. Beyond the traditional single-monitor setup, dual monitor use is much more common than ultrawide, so when it comes to optimizing for desktop viewing we will prioritize screens between thirteen and thirty inches.

That being said, we are open to looking into optimizing for ultrawide monitors in the future, but other initiatives will be taking priority for quite a while.

Additional Implementations

We have made a few minor additions and subtractions that we believe will provide a better overall user experience.

Judge Photos

We have removed judge photos from the databases. While it was nice to see a judge’s professional photo, such images were a particular offender for space constraints, especially in tables. Additionally, judge photos often varied wildly in resolution and other markers of quality, and they were unavailable in too many cases. On balance, we thought it best to remove them.

Oral Argument Case Numbers

Wherever oral arguments records are displayed, their associated case number fields will now only display the case number for that particular oral argument rather than all the case numbers for the lawsuit. This change will make searches more precise and cut down on excessive table sizes, especially for smaller devices.

“Number of Key Decisions” Tally

For the Title IX Lawsuits Database, we have updated court tables, court “Detail” pages, and court search engines to include a tally of the number of key decisions (e.g., Motions for Summary Judgment, Motions to Dismiss, etc.) made by that court.

Other Minor Changes

We have made a few other changes due to space concerns and to normalize tables for desktop, mobile, and tablet sizes. States are now always displayed by their abbreviations (e.g., MA instead of the much longer Massachusetts). Button sizes have also been reduced so that they are still conspicuous but not as greedy with regard to space.


This is the thirty-third upgrade to our databases since we relaunched the Title IX Lawsuits Database in November 2018 and the final upgrade for 2023. You can see a full list of all upgrades here. Thank you for your interest and support of our work. We look forward to discussing our future plans soon.

Thank You for Reading

If you like what you have read, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here:

Support Our Work

If you like our work, consider supporting it via a donationย or signing up for aย database.

About the Author

Title IX for All is a U.S.-based organization that advocates fairness and equal treatment in education. Our main activities are database development, writing, counseling, publishing, research, public speaking, and networking.

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OCR Resolutions Database

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Attorneys Directory

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