All Posts From the Category: Advocacy

Call to action: Kermit Elementary suspends boy for having an imagination. Here’s what to do.

Update 2/3/2015, 12:00 PM: We've acquired Superintendent Bill Boyd's email at Principal Roxanne Greer's email is Let them know what you think! Also, since the review system at Great Schools is not allowing our reviews, go leave a review on their Google+ page! Also, here is the previously-hidden link to the school's "Bully [...]

02/02/2015|Advocacy, Rights & Protections|

Success: in wake of resistance, Ryerson U withdraws discriminatory “security fee” for men’s advocates on campus

According to an update from Barbara Kay, writing for the Canadian publication the National Post: Ryerson administration has confirmed that the university will be absorbing the cost of the additional security for the February 6 CAFÉ event. According to a staffer, Ryerson president Sheldon Levy felt the cost was a [...]

Fearing more criminal Feminist protests, Ryerson U fines organization sponsoring men’s issues speaker Karen Straughan $1600 “security fee.” My email to administrators.

I'm writing an email to Ryerson University administrators about this, and I invite you to join me in doing so. The contact info is below. First I'll give everyone a recap of what is/has been going on, and then present the email. Karen Straughan, aka the YouTube sensation GirlWritesWhat, is [...]

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