New Attorney & Law Firm Upgrades to Title IX Lawsuits Database
We have expanded the scope of attorney and law firm data in our Title IX Lawsuits Database. A list and description of the new data are available in this post.
Two Minor Improvements to Our Databases
Small improvements to our Title IX Lawsuits and Office for Civil Rights Resolutions databases.
DeVos-Era Title IX Regulations Go Five for Five in Federal Court
The Betsy DeVos-era Title IX regulations have survived five legal challenges by state attorneys general, women's groups, and accuser advocacy groups.
A Flurry of Development Updates to Our Databases
We have made improvements to the Title IX Lawsuits and OCR Resolutions Databases as well as the Account Management system.
Free Trial Launched for the Title IX Lawsuits Database
We have created a free trial for the Title IX Lawsuits Database. Users can now try it out before subscribing to the full version.
Plaintiff Demographic Data Available in Title IX Lawsuits Database
Using this data, we can get a general idea of the demographic makeup of these lawsuits. Please expect a special announcement on this to follow soon.
Milestone: 100,000+ Pages of Title IX Legal Files
These 100,000+ pages are spread across 428 file types.
Milestone: 600+ Title IX/Due Process Lawsuits by Accused Students
Nearly half of all the lawsuits have been filed in five states: California (18%), New York (12%), Ohio (7.5%), Pennsylvania (5.5%), and Massachusetts (4.5%).
2020 Overhaul, Part 2: Database Additions & Updates
New search engines, improved mobile functionality, attorney and judge data mass-updated, and more.
Lawsuits Database: Two-Week Subscription Added, and More
We have added a two-week subscription option to the Title IX Lawsuits Database and corrected an issue preventing those without PayPal accounts from signing up.