All Posts From the Category: Education & Well-Being

Director of Montessori preschool: “You do not automatically trust men around young children.”

Update 2/8/15: we've identified the director of this Montessori school, and the school as well. Stay tuned. If there is one thing that men's advocates tend to do well, it's make screenshots and keep records of what is said and done. Today I bring you another such example. It's not [...]

Wearing Thinner: The “But Men Get the Majority of Stem Degrees” Deflection

Welcome, dear readers. School is now in session. Before we begin the lecture please do a brief preclass exercise by spending a minute taking a hard look at this set of graphs on graduation rates by sex over the past forty years: Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, Table [...]

Feminist Bryce Covert at The Guardian explains why we should ignore men’s and boys’ education issues

Recently, I wrote an article asking why Feminist Barbara Ellen at the prominent British publication The Guardian condones the sexual assault of schoolboys. It wasn't hyperbole, and it wasn't meant rhetorically. On the contrary, Ellen laid out a long argument as to why older women (sometimes much older women) who have sex with [...]

UCAS chief Mary Cook steps up to address the lack of men in nursing and teaching

This article from Times Higher Education yields more evidence that men's issues have reached the ears of upper-level education officials in Britain (see this earlier AVFMS article for more examples of this phenomenon). The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is an organization which British students must go through when applying for [...]

Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students): promoting father involvement and male role-models in elementary schools nationwide

Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) is a national program promoting father involvement and positive male role-models in elementary schools. It is sponsored by the National Center for Fathering and has been active since 1999. According to their official website there are over 3,793 active Watch DOGS programs in 46 states as [...]

02/18/2014|Education & Well-Being|
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