Good and bad news regarding boys’ education in the UK
I have some good news and some bad news regarding boys' education in the UK. The good news: much like in the United States, a gradual awareness of the issues is rising from the ground up. Some relatively middle-ranking academic officials are even acknowledging the problem. Which is progress. The bad [...]
Schools in Houston, Texas provide opportunities for men to read to kids
For various reasons, at this point in my life I am quite happy to live in Texas. One of those reasons is that there is, relative to other U.S. states, a noticeable uptick in Texas in public concern for men and boys in education. I wouldn't make the claim that Texas is [...]
A landmark event: Male Studies has arrived (online courses available)
Back from the Christmas break, I am proud to announce a landmark moment in the history of men's advocacy in academia. Thanks in large part to Dr. Miles Groth of Wagner College (as well as the notable Dr. Dennis Gouws, among others), the University of South Australia is now offering [...]
This Christmas, give a boy the gift of reading
Christmas is fast approaching. If you're like me, you tried to get a lot of shopping done early, but there's still one or two people you are having trouble finding presents for. Maybe you are having trouble finding gifts for a son, nephew, or other young male relative or friend. [...]
UK: crackdown on rampant learning disability misdiagnoses
Countries like the UK are substantially ahead of the U.S. when it comes to recognizing and advocating solutions for the boy crisis in education. In the United States, boys are the vast majority of students diagnosed with learning disabilities (75%, to be exact), a phenomenon shared by other western countries. [...]
Dr. Muhammad Khalifa’s misguided yet common dismissal of boys’ education issues
A recent article out of the NBC affiliate WILX 10 tells us: Missing from this Advanced Placement English class at Williamston High School are the boys. Just three in Jean Eddington-Shipman's class this semester. "When I first started teaching AP 27 years ago, it was a much better balance," Eddington-Shipman said. [...]
Analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics report in context of men and boys in education
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has recently released its report "Highlights of Women’s Earnings in 2012." Stepping past the obvious question as to why women's issues are visible at all in an institution which (we are led to believe) is in the iron clutches of "patriarchy" (an argument often used to [...]
Analysis and affirmation of Dr. Hoff-Sommers’ pro-boy education article in TIME magazine
Dr. Hoff-Sommers has recently written an article which has been published by TIME magazine titled "What Schools Can Do To Help Boys Succeed." It has been successful in generating quite a discussion and positive feedback. I agree with most of her article, and will provide some of my own observations over [...]
Elementary schools cracking down on tag, “hard balls,” and – horror of horrors – cartwheels
It is something often said among those who reflect on the changes in our education system over the past several decades that kids just can't be kids anymore. This is especially true for young boys who find themselves in an educational environment where everything they have long enjoyed is now [...]
AVFMS interviewed by USA Today College on the need for men’s centers on college campuses
Mainstream media outlets are finally starting to pay attention to men's issues. In particular, the recent scandals and human rights abuses at the University of Toronto (see here and here) have provided a shocking controversy that is difficult to ignore. Two days after Dr. Miles Groth spoke at U of [...]