Dr. Sommers on MSNBC About Boys’ Education, Mocked & Dismissed by Hosts
A picture says a thousand words. That's why I still love doing videos. I just uploaded a new video to my YouTube channel. Below is the script from the part of the video where I dissect the "conversation" between Dr. Sommers and the MSNBC hosts (6 minutes in, onward). Also, see Dr. [...]
Another Men’s Center Forms, this Time at Lone Star College
A new men's center opens at Lone Star College-Kingwood.
It’s Time for Some Good News: Project MALES at UT Austin
From 30 years of staggering drops in educational attainment, to a pervasive but largely unacknowledged subculture of misandry, to the erosion of the rights and protections afforded male students in the event that they are wrongly accused of sexual misconduct, there is much that earns our concern when it comes [...]
Hudson Falls Elementary Criticizes Boy for Reading Too Much
Nine year-old Tyler Weaver is a reading champion at Hudson Falls Elementary. He is winning so many contests for reading that it is causing problems.