All Posts From the Category: False Accusation Culture

Keynote Presentation: Male Students in Peril Conference, November 1, 2014 (video)

At last, here it is: the keynote presentation from the November 1 Male Students in Peril conference at Kennesaw State University. In this presentation I cover many of the basic issues regarding educational equity for men and boys. The video above does not include the Q&A session. And I believe [...]

No, Yvette Cooper, teaching misandry in British schools will not solve teens’ problems

From the Daily Mail, a UK publication, we hear this: Schoolboys need to have lessons in feminism to help teach them out to treat women, Labour claims. That is like saying we need schools to teach white nationalism to help curb gang violence. Compulsory sex education classes should be held [...]

Ben Sullivan, and things they do (slightly) differently in the UK

President of Oxford Union not charged with rape due to lack of evidence Ben Sullivan, the president of the Oxford Union, will not be charged as a result of allegations of rape and attempted rape due to insufficient evidence.  Thankfully for him, this will be the end of the matter as [...]

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