After Pressure From Men’s Advocates, Goshen College Stops Demonizing Men for “Psychological Rape”
Goshen College's Director of Communications and Marketing mentioned that is has been removed.
Goshen College Declares All Male Students Who Stare at Women Are Rapists
Staring at someone is not rape. Nor is breathing heavily in their direction. Goshen College disagrees.
Analysis of the administrative mindset in Inside Higher Ed article reveals the horror of campus kangaroo courts
"There can be no doubt that behind all the actions of this court of justice, that is to say in my case, behind my arrest and today's interrogation, there is a great organization at work. An organization which not only employs corrupt warders, oafish Inspectors, and Examining Magistrates, but also [...]
Stop the Madness: Prepubescent Children Should Not Be Labeled Sexual Harassers
Prepubescent children have no concept of sexuality. Adults who presume otherwise are projecting their own sexuality onto them.
Assuming Accused Men Are Guilty to Demonstrate Gender-Sensitivity
Schools should refrain from announcing that assaults absolutely happened and a person was victimized before any real determinations have been made.
Raylan Alleman tries to dissuade women from attending college by demeaning college men
Raylan Alleman, co-founder of the Catholic website Fix the Family, doesn't think women should go to college. This isn't just a passing thought for him; he has written an extensive article outlining 8 reasons why. Naturally, this has gotten Feminists in quite a huff (see here and here). Given that this website supports [...]
Women-Only Parking at the University of Fraser Valley
Neo-segregation finds a welcome home at this Canadian university.
The Mess That Is the 2013 Ohio University False Rape Scandal
A false rape accuser, a men's advocate who misidentified the false accuser, and the feminist hate brigade.
Feminist Meg Lanker-Simons, Famous University of Wyoming Rape Threat Hoaxer, Accepts Plea Deal
Meg Lanker-Simons, a University of Wyoming student who faked a rape threat against herself, is forced to face the music.
Dr. Nancy Cohen: No Exposed Bellies, Buns, or Breasts? Rape Culture!
In order to stop rape culture, apparently schools must abandon a dress code altogether.