Lulu Chang’s Misguided Activism
Are activists like Lulu Chang victim advocates, or accuser advocates? The evidence is clear.
Rainn Critiques “Rape Culture” Narrative
A credible movement cannot sustain itself forever on hyperbole, gimmicks, clichés, slogans, ad hominems, and hot air.
Islamic militants kill all boys but spare all girls in attack on Nigerian school
Above: remains of the Federal Government College. Buni Yadi, Nigeria. It's stories like this that help put it all in perspective. And it's interesting that this story comes to us in an age when we are constantly reminded how much worse women have it than men in third-world countries, and [...]
After Pressure From Men’s Advocates, Goshen College Stops Demonizing Men for “Psychological Rape”
Goshen College's Director of Communications and Marketing mentioned that is has been removed.
Goshen College Declares All Male Students Who Stare at Women Are Rapists
Staring at someone is not rape. Nor is breathing heavily in their direction. Goshen College disagrees.
Analysis of the administrative mindset in Inside Higher Ed article reveals the horror of campus kangaroo courts
"There can be no doubt that behind all the actions of this court of justice, that is to say in my case, behind my arrest and today's interrogation, there is a great organization at work. An organization which not only employs corrupt warders, oafish Inspectors, and Examining Magistrates, but also [...]
Boy-shaming “sex education” planned for UK schools
We need to be careful when we start singling out only one group of people based on their genetic code and demanding that they "respect" another entire group of people. The reasoning is quite simple: it's mindlessly discriminatory. It also has the potential to turn into a condescending shamefest. Not everyone [...]
16 year-old schoolboy attempts suicide via self-immolation. Associated Press uses it as opportunity to go on and on about male violence.
Men and boys are 80% of suicides overall. Suicide spikes in the high school/early college years, when young men commit suicide at six times the rate of women. According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide rates have quadrupled for young men ages 15-24 over the past 60 years. This is a [...]
Sacramento State University’s lynching “art project”: an opportunity to talk about violence against men
This picture is from Sacramento State University ("Sac State"). Yes, those are real people and real nooses. But no, they aren't really being strangled by them. You can see the second set of ropes which are holding them up attached to the harnesses behind them. According to various news sources, these students [...]
Stop the Madness: Prepubescent Children Should Not Be Labeled Sexual Harassers
Prepubescent children have no concept of sexuality. Adults who presume otherwise are projecting their own sexuality onto them.