After Outcry, School Drops Sexual Harassment Claim Against 6-Year-Old Boy
This would not have occurred without the massive outcry against the administration.
Stop the Madness: Prepubescent Children Should Not Be Labeled Sexual Harassers
Prepubescent children have no concept of sexuality. Adults who presume otherwise are projecting their own sexuality onto them.
Women-Only Parking at the University of Fraser Valley
Neo-segregation finds a welcome home at this Canadian university.
Analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics report in context of men and boys in education
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has recently released its report "Highlights of Womenโs Earningsย in 2012." Stepping past the obvious question as to why women's issues are visible at all in an institution which (we are led to believe) is in the iron clutches of "patriarchy" (an argument often used to [...]
The Mess That Is the 2013 Ohio University False Rape Scandal
A false rape accuser, a men's advocate who misidentified the false accuser, and the feminist hate brigade.
Why did Sandra Foehl, Temple University Title IX Coordinator, et al, destroy student Praise Martin-Oguike?
This site recently coveredย the case of Praise Martin-Oguike, a student at Temple University who emigrated from Nigeria to the United States in 1999. After being falsely accused of sexual assault in 2012, he was expelled, stripped of his scholarship, kicked off the football team, and nationally vilified. In early October [...]
All male students punished for bomb hoax. Girl made similar hoax last year. My email to administrators and their superiors.
In large and small ways, schools in the U.S. have become more like prisons over the past several decades. Entrances and exits to buildings are now more tightly controlled. Many main entrances now require students and visitors to walk through metal detectors. As schools have grown to utilize law enforcement [...]
Immigrant Student’s Career and Education Devastated Over Dropped Rape Claim
Praise Martin-Oguike was expelled, lost his scholarship, and was nationally demonized over a sketchy rape claim that was dropped after new evidence was revealed.
Feminist College “Consent Guide”: Fake Rape Definitions Encourage False Accusations
There is a trend among feminists to declare all less-than-perfect sex to be rape. This is one more example.