Kevin Fuchs is the editor of the German magazine Cuncti, which publishes from and for an academic audience taking a critical perspective on feminism and gender issues. This is his interview with Dr. Helen Smith, who is a forensic psychologist and the host of Pajamas Television (PJTV)


For a couple of years, a new controversial phenomenon has been arising in the western countries called the Men’s Rights Acitivists Movement (MRA). This movement is motivated by gender-biases harming men in the fields of child custody, divorce, health care as well as a feminist establishment that is regarded by those activists as becoming  increasingly exuberant.

This new movement seems to be splitting the public opinion. A growing number of people tend to endorse it. However, at the other end of the spectrum, people react with disgust or even public exhibition of hatred, calling those activists antifeminists or misogynists.


Dr. Helen Smith

Helen Smith, PhD, who is a forensic psychologist from Knoxville, Tennessee and specialized in men’s issues, has worked with men in her practice for more than twenty years. She has been on various shows on television and radio. Moreover, she has written publications in numerous magazines and newspapers.

As a psychologist she has gotten a deep insight into men’s inner lives. Based on these experiences, she has written a book entitled “Men on Strike.” The central statement in her book is that there is a growing number of men withdrawing from society – for example, from marriage, education and the workforce. She underlines this with empirical data showing that men are increasingly opting out from these areas.

These are indeed well-known facts stating nothing new. However, Helen Smith contradicts the common explanation, which claims that this is because men are becoming insecure and daunted in the face of modern gender roles and empowered women.

Instead, Helen Smith argues that men are just reacting in a rational way. They opt out and stop behaving in traditional ways because there are no more rewards and advantages for them. For example: Why marry when a divorce can take anything from you? Why work 50 hours a week when the state and your spouse eat up nearly all of it. Why date when the risk of being bullied or even being accused for sexual harassment is simply too high?

One may think that sounds too apocalyptic. But Helen Smith’s book in which she reflects her conversations with men tells us a different story.  I have talked to her going a little beyond her book.

The Interview

Kevin Fuchs: Helen, One of the central statements in your book is that men “go Galt”, which refers to “John Galt” – a character in Ayn Rand’s novel  “Atlas Shrugged”. With “Going Galt”, you mean that men – consciously or unconsciously – withdraw from the workspace, marriage, family and so on.

You emphasize that men don’t do this because they feel “insecure” about modern gender roles and the empowerment of women as often asserted.  Instead, you say that they just act in a reasonable way turning away from a society that has nothing to offer them. But obviously, men don’t talk about it, there seems to be a “conspiracy of silence”. Why is everybody so silent?

—“Uncle Tim” and the “White Knight”—

Helen Smith: Men are silent because to speak up often means being called a wimp, a whiner or just told to “man up.” As I discussed in the book, some men are “White Knights” in that they tend to be traditional types who think that women are “damsels in distress” and who want to put women on a pedestal with special privileges, and others are “Uncle Tims” who go along with women and their needs in order to get sex, or win political favors or simply to keep the peace.

Kevin Fuchs: I come from Germany and indeed, a Swiss gender researcher – Walter Hollstein – has made a similar comment, saying that there is an increasing number of men contenting themselves with “minimal needs” and not being a productive member of society any more. He relies on empirical data. However, there is hardly any talk about it.

Society – and women in particular – like to complain about men not talking and opening themselves. In your book you state that many of your colleagues  –  experiencing men in therapeutic practice, complain about that too. But you didn’t make this experience at all. Men talked to you quite openly. In your book, You say, you simply “listened” to them while society often does not. So, what mistakes do society and your colleagues make that you don’t?

—“A climate that favors women and their needs over men’s”—

Helen Smith: Warren Farrell wrote the book, “Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say,” but the truth is, men do speak up at times, it’s just that no one wants to hear what they truly have to say. We currently live in a climate that favors women and their needs over men’s. Women are told they are empowered and no longer need a man, and that if they do have a man, he should be doing housework, watching the kids and paying the bills. What man can do all of these things?

Women and society do not even think about their negative attitude towards men and are simply taught to have little sympathy for them, not even for their own sons.  In order to understand someone, you have to have some empathy, and in our society there is little of that for the male species. Women and their enablers are simply told that men are no good, are rapists, perverts or just plain sexist. Even little girls see t-shirts stating that “Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them.”  Why would girls or women learn any empathy?

I have worked with men for over 20 years and have heard directly from thousands of men about their concerns, and it has led me to gain more understanding. But mostly, I think one has to open their mind to hearing things that they may not like or that may not reflect well on themselves or society and be able to deal with that.

Many people do not have that capability when there are no consequences for their discrimination or cruelty and there is reward for treating men in a sexist fashion. Also, people tend to be herd animals and simply go along to get along, and today it seems that misandry is very popular in the culture.

Kevin Fuchs: You mentioned those “White Knights” and “Uncle Tims.” I have got the impression that, among those people fighting Men’s Rights Activists, there are plenty of these characters – some of them opposing the MRA in a remarkably aggressive way.

In Germany, for example, MRAs organizing events on University campuses had to be guarded by police as they were threatened by feminists and left-wing extremists, and there have been similar incidents in other countries.

Dr. Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power and Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say

Dr. Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power and Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say

I wonder where this aggression comes from. You mentioned Warren Farrell. He introduced the term of the “disposable male” – meaning that the needs of men have been subordinated to those of society as a whole throughout history. Farrell claims that this has been a basic mechanism for the survival of our civilization, and questioning it may equate to an assault on the foundations of society.

This may be an explanation on a sociological level.  But what about the psychological level of individuals? What is it in the feminist’s, the White Knight’s, and Uncle Tim’s brains that makes them get in rage as soon as MRA speak up?

—“Using feminism to gain more privileges”—

Helen Smith: Feminist have money, privilege and status at stake. So far there has been little opposition to the feminist message, and if there was, it never got out into the mainstream.  Women have owned the dialogue on gender for at least 40 or 50 years. They want to hold onto the old traditional ways that provide them privileges like alimony, child support and their children while using feminism to gain more privileges politically such as free daycare, free birth control, free healthcare etc.

If men start talking about what they need, the gravy train may come to an end or may be cut back substantially. If women see themselves as victims and vote accordingly, government funding will go their way. It is a fight for resources, and if men speak up, there is a threat there.

The white knights think that women need to be protected, and they are psychologically given satisfaction that they are “heroes” for helping women. Uncle Tims simply lap up the attention and even political favors and accolades they receive for supporting women, even if deep down they use women for their sexual enjoyment and really don’t think much of them (think Bill Clinton).

Kevin Fuchs: In your book, you write about the anti-harassment policies on university campuses as a result of a legislation of the Obama administration. This charges universities to grant a low standard of evidence when prosecuting students for sexual harassment. This has resulted in shifting the burden of proof – guilty until proven innocent.

Also, there is a clear gender bias. For example having sex with a drunk person is regarded as “rape.” But in the past – when both were drunk – only the men were supposed to be responsible although – theoretically they actually had “raped” each other. Overall – going beyond this particular example – It seems as if men’s sexuality is more and more regulated while women get more and more sexually liberated. Am I exaggerating?

—“Men have little reproductive freedom”—

Helen Smith: No, you are not exaggerating at all. Women have more and more reproductive freedom. They can get an abortion, have birth control pills and other very successful devices to prevent pregnancy, can give up a child for adoption without a father even knowing it, and can get child support from men who are not even the fathers of their children.

Men often need a wife’s note before a doctor will perform a vasectomy. There is no law on the books but there is institutional bias against married men if they wish not to have children. Men cannot decide if they want to be fathers and the law forces them to pay for kids regardless. They have little reproductive freedom.

—“Men stay away from long term relationships”—

Kevin Fuchs: How does this affect men’s sexuality – especially their behavior to women?

Helen Smith: Many men are not marrying for this reason, they have few rights and other men are simply looking at porn and staying away from long term relationships. I even spoke to Peter Lloyd, a journalist and author of an upcoming book “Stand by Your Manhood” about the laws in England, and apparently, even if you just live with a woman for so many years there, she can take your stuff such as your home!

Kevin Fuchs: My last question may be a bit adventurous and speculative. The western economies have experienced a long time of continuous growth since the end of World War II. In the recent years, however, we have experienced a long period of an ongoing recession.

I argue that one of the reasons for the permanent economic growth have been – using Warren Farrell’s term – the “disposable males” – men being rewarded for sacrificing themselves. The men you call “going Galt” appear to be the exact opposite of those “disposable males.” Might those men “going Galt” also be a hidden reason for that recession, laming the system from inside?

—“Not get involved in a system where the social and political risks and costs are so high and the rewards can be low”—

Helen Smith: Absolutely, men are less and less in the work force, and the statistics show that 1 in 8 men aged 25-54 are not working. There is a sharp increase in disability claims for men: in 2013, 5.5. percent of men 25-64 collected federal benefits. Social Security Disability is one of the few federal resources available for men.After all, as a man, it is not that easy to get on such programs as WIC (Women, infants and children) or other welfare that is available more readily to women, particularly those with children.

Charles Murray, in his book “Coming Apart,” found that men have been spending more and more time at leisure activities even before the most recent recession. It is because more and more of them are no longer marrying. He sees the need for society to shame men into marrying (White Knight that he is) but I think it is a rational, logical strategy not to get involved in a system where the social and political risks and costs are so high and the rewards can be low.

This is not to say that men do not see relationships as important, they often do, but why marry and sign even more of your rights away? The men’s rights movement is important because if men decide to “go Galt” or refuse to marry or do the things that society expects of them, the political system can increase penalties such as making common law marriages more prevalent or like England, the US law could change and demand that men turn over their assets to women even if they are not married.

We must all stay vigilant against these types of laws and raise hell and voice our opinion no matter what. It was Leon Trotsky or someone like that who said “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” Men can stick their head in the sand about what is happening or stupidly call out other men such as MRAs for trying to fight back.

However, more and more men are starting to understand the gist of what is happening in this country, and will not only “go Galt” but will help to fight back before it is too late.

Kevin Fuchs: Thank you very much Helen for this inspiring conversation.

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About the Author

John Doe is not an individual. John Doe is the voice of wrongly accused students or family members who have been victimized by the system and have decided to speak out.

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  1. NotoriousPAT 12/10/2014 at 6:43 pm

    Now someone should write a book.about people like me, men who want to be involved in society and marriage but no one wants them.

    • Mattroleo 12/10/2014 at 6:52 pm

      Stay where you are it’s much safer. Think: more money for yourself, more time for yourself and improving yourself, more leisure time, and also, no emotional stress, you get to do whatever YOU want, and you can leave the toilet seat up. Trust me, I’ve been on the other side, and it’s not pretty. I guess that makes me an Uncle Tim, but let the “white knights” do their stuff…

    • William 12/10/2014 at 9:04 pm

      Regarding involvement, you’ve been warned that “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” Proceed, but proceed with preparation and knowledge.

    • Jean-pierre Mercier 12/11/2014 at 12:28 am

      i don’t know your story, but women have raised their expectations. based on whose over-evaluation is anyone’s’s all over the place, though. and the devaluation of males. you don’t need to be married to participate in society anymore. that’s old thinking. lots of things are geared to singles today. trips, ballroom dances. hell, a good dancer will never need to get married. what mattroleo says is true. the time one needs to spend with somebody else is negligible when you calculate it as a need. sex. men want, if not, need sex. sex makes up 50% of important factors in a relationship with a woman. but doesn’t occupy 50% of your leisure time. so, more leisure with varying amounts of sex. being married doesn’t guarantee you’re going to be sexually occupied as much as you think.

    • Raptor Jesus 12/11/2014 at 7:07 pm

      Let me break it to you: a majorty, a LARGE MAJORITY of women just freaking HATE MEN. They use men to get things they do want, children, houses, income, medical care, etc. But the men are just a means to an end. And one day it’s going to be ‘gee, I can keep the children, keep the house, keep the money, and I don’t even have to have the man in the house AT ALL.

      You’re screwed, pal. There it is.

  2. Eddie Smith 12/10/2014 at 9:53 pm

    Men need a cultural revolution. I often think a leader needs to rise, a leader to a new Men’s movement that recognizes only the male gender, one that works to empower not only each other but to push the human race forward past this petty foolishness. Someone that can see the true potential in every man to rise and be in command of his own destiny and to help further the potential of The Brotherhood.

    • Star Lord 04/25/2015 at 5:53 pm

      In the current cultural climate, even if such a leader were to arise, there would be no way to achieve success. Feminism has had fifty years to do it’s work and all it had to do to get started was beat inertia. A men’s rights movement would have to overcome a lot of hostility and resistance. It would take much longer than fifty years to achieve equality and this country doesn’t have that long.

  3. Jean-pierre Mercier 12/10/2014 at 11:57 pm

    it may be fine to opt out. i’m all for it. let women wind up with the men they deserve. but my fear is that men will get the shitty end of the stick when it comes to political power. if the disengagement goes as far as the voting booth, then we’re really fucked

    • Tim 12/11/2014 at 12:50 am

      What are you actually saying? Men who don’t want to get involved with women are not worth women their time as if women have a higher value in society?

      ”let women wind up with the men they deserve” Why do they deserve this? Certain rights should be earned not given away.

      • Jean-pierre Mercier 12/11/2014 at 8:25 pm

        what i meant was that the pool of men that women have to choose from. all kinds of men, varying in status, financial, social, etc. will be opting out. it seems to me that pool of women will be larger and the “good” men, the cream of the crop will be snatched up(no pun intended) leaving the percentages even more disproportionate. reducing the choice for them even more. women are the ones who suffer and society as well. the quality of the rest of the group of men will appear to be of not the same quality had the proportions been roughly the same. am i making any sense? you mustn’t forget that as with women, there are winners and a whole lot of losers. i’m not egalitarian enough to believe we are all equal. there are engines that pull the train and those cars that allow themselves to be pulled. in a society, it is the same thing

    • Allan Kirk 12/18/2014 at 3:47 pm

      They already have the political power albeit because men are neither conscious nor united. But as a Sociologist who has some familiarity with Social Movement Theory and the Circulation of Elites we are sticking our heads in the sand as our adversary entrenches itself. With every graduating class where the women are more numerous, more confident, more focused, more cooperative, more Machiavellian and hence, more capable, not to mention more advantaged by preferential treatment, more of the seats of power will be filled by them. These days, change takes place at lightning speed. There will always be a cadre of entrepreneurial men with wealth and power but just as there have always been women of great power who were uninterested in the welfare of their “sisters”, these men will not lift a finger to help you, bro ! They will see no need to jeopardize their projects by antagonizing the women who will sure- as -guns dominate the administration and judiciary. Most important, don’t imagine that an misandric ideology will fade away! Their success will only confirm their ideas of male fault vis-a-vis the evils of the world and their own blamelessness and superiority. Therefore, PRESTO, you will find yourselves more disenfranchised than women ever were. Don’t buy this last statement? Read “Myth of Male Power”.

      • Star Lord 04/25/2015 at 5:59 pm

        I think these men know that society will eventually turn on them and/or try to take their wealth. If they are smart, they plan to make their fortunes and get out before it is too late.

  4. tellthetruth 12/11/2014 at 5:53 am

    There are many feminist
    women’s groups who lobby the government and make the government and Law
    enforcement believe that all men are evil and all women are angels that can do
    no wrong when it comes to sex. They openly believe and promote that ALL
    men are rapists or future rapists. The prejudice and sexist hating of men is
    politically correct and encouraged in countries like America and Great Briton.
    Which they then force other countries to make anti-male laws or face
    economic or military sanctions. This creates a terrible environment for
    men since hating men because they are men is considered the right thing to do.

    They believe that all women
    should be treated like children in regards to sex. They feel that it is
    impossible for a woman to give consent to sex with a man. Therefore all
    sex with a man is considered rape. Any women who tells them that they gave
    consent to sex with a man they feel must be mentally insane and needs mental help.
    Because what women in their right mind would ever consent to having sex with a

    The feminist women’s
    groups on college campus, in law enforcement, government in America believe
    that when a woman says yes to sex –she really means no. No matter what the
    woman says or does the answer to sex is always –NO! YES means NO!
    No means NO, maybe means NO, silence means NO. If she gets
    sexy and physical with a man, and says she wants sex, the man must
    realize the answer is still NO! and walk away.

    My best advice for men in
    America is — DON’T HAVE SEX WITH A WOMAN! PERIOD ! — If you do,
    you can have lots of problems with the government, police, law
    enforcement, women’s groups, feminists, church leaders, lawyers, the
    university, news and the media.

    • andyrwebman 07/07/2015 at 4:11 pm

      No wonder gay men seem so happy and violence free. It’s all clear to them – two minds working on the same wavelength.

  5. TJ 12/11/2014 at 8:32 am

    As the song goes….”We don’t need no water—Let the motherfucker burn! Burn, motherfucker, burn!”

  6. Lucian Vâlsan 12/11/2014 at 2:18 pm

    „In Germany, for example, MRAs organizing events on University campuses
    had to be guarded by police as they were threatened by feminists and
    left-wing extremists, and there have been similar incidents in other
    countries.” – Any further reference about this incident?

    It would be much appreciated.

  7. andyrwebman 07/07/2015 at 4:09 pm

    I think the problem with modern girls starts in childhood.

    Parents – particularly dads – seem inclined to let them have their way and punish them less. In general, the loss of the tradition of smacking seems to have further fueled this, and even amongst parents who do use corporal punishment, the girls seem to receive less – when, perhaps, they need just as much or even more to break their sense of entitlement.

    Then you have an education system which – despite them being spoiled – tells them they’re victims, and lavishes programs on them intended to “compensate” for their “disadvantages”.

    If you’ve ever read the shocked responses from feminists whenever anyone dares to suggest that men suffer injustice, they sound exactly like a spoiled teenage girl.

    Society simply cannot let itself be ruled by this type of person. We need to hit politicians where it counts – in the ballot box. More and more men (and decent minded women) need to publicly announce that they won’t vote for any political party which doesn’t embrace simple gender neutral egalitarianism.

    That’s all any of us need, really – a fair unbiased system.

  8. Hector 08/09/2015 at 7:15 pm

    The male sex drive given to us by our Maker is what makes us create, innovate and annihilate when the time comes to do those things, and women can’t stand that.

    Feminism is less about equality than it is Penis Envy.

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Kevin Fuchs is the editor of the German magazine Cuncti, which publishes from and for an academic audience taking a critical perspective on feminism and gender issues. This is his interview with Dr. Helen Smith, who is a forensic psychologist and the host of Pajamas Television (PJTV)


For a couple of years, a new controversial phenomenon has been arising in the western countries called the Men’s Rights Acitivists Movement (MRA). This movement is motivated by gender-biases harming men in the fields of child custody, divorce, health care as well as a feminist establishment that is regarded by those activists as becoming  increasingly exuberant.

This new movement seems to be splitting the public opinion. A growing number of people tend to endorse it. However, at the other end of the spectrum, people react with disgust or even public exhibition of hatred, calling those activists antifeminists or misogynists.


Dr. Helen Smith

Helen Smith, PhD, who is a forensic psychologist from Knoxville, Tennessee and specialized in men’s issues, has worked with men in her practice for more than twenty years. She has been on various shows on television and radio. Moreover, she has written publications in numerous magazines and newspapers.

As a psychologist she has gotten a deep insight into men’s inner lives. Based on these experiences, she has written a book entitled “Men on Strike.” The central statement in her book is that there is a growing number of men withdrawing from society – for example, from marriage, education and the workforce. She underlines this with empirical data showing that men are increasingly opting out from these areas.

These are indeed well-known facts stating nothing new. However, Helen Smith contradicts the common explanation, which claims that this is because men are becoming insecure and daunted in the face of modern gender roles and empowered women.

Instead, Helen Smith argues that men are just reacting in a rational way. They opt out and stop behaving in traditional ways because there are no more rewards and advantages for them. For example: Why marry when a divorce can take anything from you? Why work 50 hours a week when the state and your spouse eat up nearly all of it. Why date when the risk of being bullied or even being accused for sexual harassment is simply too high?

One may think that sounds too apocalyptic. But Helen Smith’s book in which she reflects her conversations with men tells us a different story.  I have talked to her going a little beyond her book.

The Interview

Kevin Fuchs: Helen, One of the central statements in your book is that men “go Galt”, which refers to “John Galt” – a character in Ayn Rand’s novel  “Atlas Shrugged”. With “Going Galt”, you mean that men – consciously or unconsciously – withdraw from the workspace, marriage, family and so on.

You emphasize that men don’t do this because they feel “insecure” about modern gender roles and the empowerment of women as often asserted.  Instead, you say that they just act in a reasonable way turning away from a society that has nothing to offer them. But obviously, men don’t talk about it, there seems to be a “conspiracy of silence”. Why is everybody so silent?

—“Uncle Tim” and the “White Knight”—

Helen Smith: Men are silent because to speak up often means being called a wimp, a whiner or just told to “man up.” As I discussed in the book, some men are “White Knights” in that they tend to be traditional types who think that women are “damsels in distress” and who want to put women on a pedestal with special privileges, and others are “Uncle Tims” who go along with women and their needs in order to get sex, or win political favors or simply to keep the peace.

Kevin Fuchs: I come from Germany and indeed, a Swiss gender researcher – Walter Hollstein – has made a similar comment, saying that there is an increasing number of men contenting themselves with “minimal needs” and not being a productive member of society any more. He relies on empirical data. However, there is hardly any talk about it.

Society – and women in particular – like to complain about men not talking and opening themselves. In your book you state that many of your colleagues  –  experiencing men in therapeutic practice, complain about that too. But you didn’t make this experience at all. Men talked to you quite openly. In your book, You say, you simply “listened” to them while society often does not. So, what mistakes do society and your colleagues make that you don’t?

—“A climate that favors women and their needs over men’s”—

Helen Smith: Warren Farrell wrote the book, “Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say,” but the truth is, men do speak up at times, it’s just that no one wants to hear what they truly have to say. We currently live in a climate that favors women and their needs over men’s. Women are told they are empowered and no longer need a man, and that if they do have a man, he should be doing housework, watching the kids and paying the bills. What man can do all of these things?

Women and society do not even think about their negative attitude towards men and are simply taught to have little sympathy for them, not even for their own sons.  In order to understand someone, you have to have some empathy, and in our society there is little of that for the male species. Women and their enablers are simply told that men are no good, are rapists, perverts or just plain sexist. Even little girls see t-shirts stating that “Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them.”  Why would girls or women learn any empathy?

I have worked with men for over 20 years and have heard directly from thousands of men about their concerns, and it has led me to gain more understanding. But mostly, I think one has to open their mind to hearing things that they may not like or that may not reflect well on themselves or society and be able to deal with that.

Many people do not have that capability when there are no consequences for their discrimination or cruelty and there is reward for treating men in a sexist fashion. Also, people tend to be herd animals and simply go along to get along, and today it seems that misandry is very popular in the culture.

Kevin Fuchs: You mentioned those “White Knights” and “Uncle Tims.” I have got the impression that, among those people fighting Men’s Rights Activists, there are plenty of these characters – some of them opposing the MRA in a remarkably aggressive way.

In Germany, for example, MRAs organizing events on University campuses had to be guarded by police as they were threatened by feminists and left-wing extremists, and there have been similar incidents in other countries.

Dr. Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power and Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say

Dr. Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power and Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say

I wonder where this aggression comes from. You mentioned Warren Farrell. He introduced the term of the “disposable male” – meaning that the needs of men have been subordinated to those of society as a whole throughout history. Farrell claims that this has been a basic mechanism for the survival of our civilization, and questioning it may equate to an assault on the foundations of society.

This may be an explanation on a sociological level.  But what about the psychological level of individuals? What is it in the feminist’s, the White Knight’s, and Uncle Tim’s brains that makes them get in rage as soon as MRA speak up?

—“Using feminism to gain more privileges”—

Helen Smith: Feminist have money, privilege and status at stake. So far there has been little opposition to the feminist message, and if there was, it never got out into the mainstream.  Women have owned the dialogue on gender for at least 40 or 50 years. They want to hold onto the old traditional ways that provide them privileges like alimony, child support and their children while using feminism to gain more privileges politically such as free daycare, free birth control, free healthcare etc.

If men start talking about what they need, the gravy train may come to an end or may be cut back substantially. If women see themselves as victims and vote accordingly, government funding will go their way. It is a fight for resources, and if men speak up, there is a threat there.

The white knights think that women need to be protected, and they are psychologically given satisfaction that they are “heroes” for helping women. Uncle Tims simply lap up the attention and even political favors and accolades they receive for supporting women, even if deep down they use women for their sexual enjoyment and really don’t think much of them (think Bill Clinton).

Kevin Fuchs: In your book, you write about the anti-harassment policies on university campuses as a result of a legislation of the Obama administration. This charges universities to grant a low standard of evidence when prosecuting students for sexual harassment. This has resulted in shifting the burden of proof – guilty until proven innocent.

Also, there is a clear gender bias. For example having sex with a drunk person is regarded as “rape.” But in the past – when both were drunk – only the men were supposed to be responsible although – theoretically they actually had “raped” each other. Overall – going beyond this particular example – It seems as if men’s sexuality is more and more regulated while women get more and more sexually liberated. Am I exaggerating?

—“Men have little reproductive freedom”—

Helen Smith: No, you are not exaggerating at all. Women have more and more reproductive freedom. They can get an abortion, have birth control pills and other very successful devices to prevent pregnancy, can give up a child for adoption without a father even knowing it, and can get child support from men who are not even the fathers of their children.

Men often need a wife’s note before a doctor will perform a vasectomy. There is no law on the books but there is institutional bias against married men if they wish not to have children. Men cannot decide if they want to be fathers and the law forces them to pay for kids regardless. They have little reproductive freedom.

—“Men stay away from long term relationships”—

Kevin Fuchs: How does this affect men’s sexuality – especially their behavior to women?

Helen Smith: Many men are not marrying for this reason, they have few rights and other men are simply looking at porn and staying away from long term relationships. I even spoke to Peter Lloyd, a journalist and author of an upcoming book “Stand by Your Manhood” about the laws in England, and apparently, even if you just live with a woman for so many years there, she can take your stuff such as your home!

Kevin Fuchs: My last question may be a bit adventurous and speculative. The western economies have experienced a long time of continuous growth since the end of World War II. In the recent years, however, we have experienced a long period of an ongoing recession.

I argue that one of the reasons for the permanent economic growth have been – using Warren Farrell’s term – the “disposable males” – men being rewarded for sacrificing themselves. The men you call “going Galt” appear to be the exact opposite of those “disposable males.” Might those men “going Galt” also be a hidden reason for that recession, laming the system from inside?

—“Not get involved in a system where the social and political risks and costs are so high and the rewards can be low”—

Helen Smith: Absolutely, men are less and less in the work force, and the statistics show that 1 in 8 men aged 25-54 are not working. There is a sharp increase in disability claims for men: in 2013, 5.5. percent of men 25-64 collected federal benefits. Social Security Disability is one of the few federal resources available for men.After all, as a man, it is not that easy to get on such programs as WIC (Women, infants and children) or other welfare that is available more readily to women, particularly those with children.

Charles Murray, in his book “Coming Apart,” found that men have been spending more and more time at leisure activities even before the most recent recession. It is because more and more of them are no longer marrying. He sees the need for society to shame men into marrying (White Knight that he is) but I think it is a rational, logical strategy not to get involved in a system where the social and political risks and costs are so high and the rewards can be low.

This is not to say that men do not see relationships as important, they often do, but why marry and sign even more of your rights away? The men’s rights movement is important because if men decide to “go Galt” or refuse to marry or do the things that society expects of them, the political system can increase penalties such as making common law marriages more prevalent or like England, the US law could change and demand that men turn over their assets to women even if they are not married.

We must all stay vigilant against these types of laws and raise hell and voice our opinion no matter what. It was Leon Trotsky or someone like that who said “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” Men can stick their head in the sand about what is happening or stupidly call out other men such as MRAs for trying to fight back.

However, more and more men are starting to understand the gist of what is happening in this country, and will not only “go Galt” but will help to fight back before it is too late.

Kevin Fuchs: Thank you very much Helen for this inspiring conversation.

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About the Author

John Doe is not an individual. John Doe is the voice of wrongly accused students or family members who have been victimized by the system and have decided to speak out.

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  1. NotoriousPAT 12/10/2014 at 6:43 pm

    Now someone should write a book.about people like me, men who want to be involved in society and marriage but no one wants them.

    • Mattroleo 12/10/2014 at 6:52 pm

      Stay where you are it’s much safer. Think: more money for yourself, more time for yourself and improving yourself, more leisure time, and also, no emotional stress, you get to do whatever YOU want, and you can leave the toilet seat up. Trust me, I’ve been on the other side, and it’s not pretty. I guess that makes me an Uncle Tim, but let the “white knights” do their stuff…

    • William 12/10/2014 at 9:04 pm

      Regarding involvement, you’ve been warned that “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” Proceed, but proceed with preparation and knowledge.

    • Jean-pierre Mercier 12/11/2014 at 12:28 am

      i don’t know your story, but women have raised their expectations. based on whose over-evaluation is anyone’s’s all over the place, though. and the devaluation of males. you don’t need to be married to participate in society anymore. that’s old thinking. lots of things are geared to singles today. trips, ballroom dances. hell, a good dancer will never need to get married. what mattroleo says is true. the time one needs to spend with somebody else is negligible when you calculate it as a need. sex. men want, if not, need sex. sex makes up 50% of important factors in a relationship with a woman. but doesn’t occupy 50% of your leisure time. so, more leisure with varying amounts of sex. being married doesn’t guarantee you’re going to be sexually occupied as much as you think.

    • Raptor Jesus 12/11/2014 at 7:07 pm

      Let me break it to you: a majorty, a LARGE MAJORITY of women just freaking HATE MEN. They use men to get things they do want, children, houses, income, medical care, etc. But the men are just a means to an end. And one day it’s going to be ‘gee, I can keep the children, keep the house, keep the money, and I don’t even have to have the man in the house AT ALL.

      You’re screwed, pal. There it is.

  2. Eddie Smith 12/10/2014 at 9:53 pm

    Men need a cultural revolution. I often think a leader needs to rise, a leader to a new Men’s movement that recognizes only the male gender, one that works to empower not only each other but to push the human race forward past this petty foolishness. Someone that can see the true potential in every man to rise and be in command of his own destiny and to help further the potential of The Brotherhood.

    • Star Lord 04/25/2015 at 5:53 pm

      In the current cultural climate, even if such a leader were to arise, there would be no way to achieve success. Feminism has had fifty years to do it’s work and all it had to do to get started was beat inertia. A men’s rights movement would have to overcome a lot of hostility and resistance. It would take much longer than fifty years to achieve equality and this country doesn’t have that long.

  3. Jean-pierre Mercier 12/10/2014 at 11:57 pm

    it may be fine to opt out. i’m all for it. let women wind up with the men they deserve. but my fear is that men will get the shitty end of the stick when it comes to political power. if the disengagement goes as far as the voting booth, then we’re really fucked

    • Tim 12/11/2014 at 12:50 am

      What are you actually saying? Men who don’t want to get involved with women are not worth women their time as if women have a higher value in society?

      ”let women wind up with the men they deserve” Why do they deserve this? Certain rights should be earned not given away.

      • Jean-pierre Mercier 12/11/2014 at 8:25 pm

        what i meant was that the pool of men that women have to choose from. all kinds of men, varying in status, financial, social, etc. will be opting out. it seems to me that pool of women will be larger and the “good” men, the cream of the crop will be snatched up(no pun intended) leaving the percentages even more disproportionate. reducing the choice for them even more. women are the ones who suffer and society as well. the quality of the rest of the group of men will appear to be of not the same quality had the proportions been roughly the same. am i making any sense? you mustn’t forget that as with women, there are winners and a whole lot of losers. i’m not egalitarian enough to believe we are all equal. there are engines that pull the train and those cars that allow themselves to be pulled. in a society, it is the same thing

    • Allan Kirk 12/18/2014 at 3:47 pm

      They already have the political power albeit because men are neither conscious nor united. But as a Sociologist who has some familiarity with Social Movement Theory and the Circulation of Elites we are sticking our heads in the sand as our adversary entrenches itself. With every graduating class where the women are more numerous, more confident, more focused, more cooperative, more Machiavellian and hence, more capable, not to mention more advantaged by preferential treatment, more of the seats of power will be filled by them. These days, change takes place at lightning speed. There will always be a cadre of entrepreneurial men with wealth and power but just as there have always been women of great power who were uninterested in the welfare of their “sisters”, these men will not lift a finger to help you, bro ! They will see no need to jeopardize their projects by antagonizing the women who will sure- as -guns dominate the administration and judiciary. Most important, don’t imagine that an misandric ideology will fade away! Their success will only confirm their ideas of male fault vis-a-vis the evils of the world and their own blamelessness and superiority. Therefore, PRESTO, you will find yourselves more disenfranchised than women ever were. Don’t buy this last statement? Read “Myth of Male Power”.

      • Star Lord 04/25/2015 at 5:59 pm

        I think these men know that society will eventually turn on them and/or try to take their wealth. If they are smart, they plan to make their fortunes and get out before it is too late.

  4. tellthetruth 12/11/2014 at 5:53 am

    There are many feminist
    women’s groups who lobby the government and make the government and Law
    enforcement believe that all men are evil and all women are angels that can do
    no wrong when it comes to sex. They openly believe and promote that ALL
    men are rapists or future rapists. The prejudice and sexist hating of men is
    politically correct and encouraged in countries like America and Great Briton.
    Which they then force other countries to make anti-male laws or face
    economic or military sanctions. This creates a terrible environment for
    men since hating men because they are men is considered the right thing to do.

    They believe that all women
    should be treated like children in regards to sex. They feel that it is
    impossible for a woman to give consent to sex with a man. Therefore all
    sex with a man is considered rape. Any women who tells them that they gave
    consent to sex with a man they feel must be mentally insane and needs mental help.
    Because what women in their right mind would ever consent to having sex with a

    The feminist women’s
    groups on college campus, in law enforcement, government in America believe
    that when a woman says yes to sex –she really means no. No matter what the
    woman says or does the answer to sex is always –NO! YES means NO!
    No means NO, maybe means NO, silence means NO. If she gets
    sexy and physical with a man, and says she wants sex, the man must
    realize the answer is still NO! and walk away.

    My best advice for men in
    America is — DON’T HAVE SEX WITH A WOMAN! PERIOD ! — If you do,
    you can have lots of problems with the government, police, law
    enforcement, women’s groups, feminists, church leaders, lawyers, the
    university, news and the media.

    • andyrwebman 07/07/2015 at 4:11 pm

      No wonder gay men seem so happy and violence free. It’s all clear to them – two minds working on the same wavelength.

  5. TJ 12/11/2014 at 8:32 am

    As the song goes….”We don’t need no water—Let the motherfucker burn! Burn, motherfucker, burn!”

  6. Lucian Vâlsan 12/11/2014 at 2:18 pm

    „In Germany, for example, MRAs organizing events on University campuses
    had to be guarded by police as they were threatened by feminists and
    left-wing extremists, and there have been similar incidents in other
    countries.” – Any further reference about this incident?

    It would be much appreciated.

  7. andyrwebman 07/07/2015 at 4:09 pm

    I think the problem with modern girls starts in childhood.

    Parents – particularly dads – seem inclined to let them have their way and punish them less. In general, the loss of the tradition of smacking seems to have further fueled this, and even amongst parents who do use corporal punishment, the girls seem to receive less – when, perhaps, they need just as much or even more to break their sense of entitlement.

    Then you have an education system which – despite them being spoiled – tells them they’re victims, and lavishes programs on them intended to “compensate” for their “disadvantages”.

    If you’ve ever read the shocked responses from feminists whenever anyone dares to suggest that men suffer injustice, they sound exactly like a spoiled teenage girl.

    Society simply cannot let itself be ruled by this type of person. We need to hit politicians where it counts – in the ballot box. More and more men (and decent minded women) need to publicly announce that they won’t vote for any political party which doesn’t embrace simple gender neutral egalitarianism.

    That’s all any of us need, really – a fair unbiased system.

  8. Hector 08/09/2015 at 7:15 pm

    The male sex drive given to us by our Maker is what makes us create, innovate and annihilate when the time comes to do those things, and women can’t stand that.

    Feminism is less about equality than it is Penis Envy.

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