We have expanded the scope of attorney and law firm data in the Attorneys Directory and Title IX Lawsuits Database (including its free trial version). One of the more important changes is that users will now be able to search for and sort attorneys by whether their firms explicitly state on their websites that they specialize in Title IX or student conduct matters. We have also added or improved upon an array of other data.

These changes have been made as a lead-up to larger release that we will announce ahead of the anticipated release of the Title IX regulations in October. Below are the changes.

New and Improved Data and Features

Users can now view, search, and sort attorney and law firm data via the following seven new (and one improved) data points:

  • Title IX Specialist Firm? (New): a simple “Yes/No” indicator of whether the firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters. This data point is only available for attorneys and firms representing Title IX respondents. The intention of this field is to allow users – particularly Title IX respondents – to more efficiently find legal professionals who specialize in this area.

  • Title IX Page (New): if this firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters, the link to that page will be provided here. This data point is only available for firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Title (New): the attorney’s title (Partner, Associate, etc.).

  • State of Firm (New): although users can see a law firm’s state in their address, we have added this as a separate data point so that users can more easily search for firms by the states they are located in.

  • Firm Region (New): the geographic region the firm is located in (Midwest, Northeast, etc.). Regions are based on this map by National Geographic.

  • Direct Line (New): the attorney’s professional direct number.

  • Biography Page (New): a link to the attorney’s biography page on their firm’s website.

  • Data Quality (Improved): the purpose of this data point is to give an at-a-glance sense of how much data we have for this attorney or firm. We have reworked its algorithm so that it gives greater weight to the volume of Title IX litigation we have on record for a given attorney or firm. The result of this change is that attorneys and firms who have litigated a substantial number of such lawsuits will automatically be placed at 3 stars.

Where the New Data Can Be Found

Attorney “detail” pages:

A screenshot of an attorney "details" page. This page displays a list of information we have about this attorney and its firm, such as the attorney's name, whether the attorney represents Title IX respondents or schools, the number of lawsuits the attorney has litigated, and more. Several of the new and updated fields are highlighted, such as the attorney's title, direct line, a link to the attorney's biography page, and so forth.

Attorney search engines:

A search engine for attorneys. Users can search by such terms as whether the attorney represents Title IX respondents or schools, the states the attorney has litigated in, the attorney's litigation volume, and more.

Law firm “detail” pages:

A screenshot of a law firm "details" page. This page displays a list of information we have about this firm, such as whether it represents Title IX respondents or schools, a map to the firm, the firm's name, website, phone number, and so forth. Several of the new and updated fields are highlighted, such as Title IX Specialist, Firm Region, Firm Data Quality, and so forth.

Law firm search engines:

A screenshot of a search engine for law firms. Users can search by such terms as whether the firm represents Title IX respondents or schools, the state and geographic region the firm is located in, whether the firm specializes in Title IX matters, and more.

And attorney and law firm tables:

A screenshot of a table of attorneys for Title IX respondents. Users can sort the table by whether the firm specializes in Title IX issues, the amount of such lawsuits they have litigated, and more. The table also shows other information, such as the firm's address and website.

Since the relaunch of this platform in November 2018, this is the thirty-second upgrade we have made to our databases in general and the seventh upgrade of data and features regarding attorneys.

More on the way!

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If you like what you have read, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here:

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If you like our work, consider supporting it via a donation or signing up for a database.

About the Author

Title IX for All is a U.S.-based organization that advocates fairness and equal treatment in education. Our main activities are database development, writing, counseling, publishing, research, public speaking, and networking.

Related Posts

We have expanded the scope of attorney and law firm data in the Attorneys Directory and Title IX Lawsuits Database (including its free trial version). One of the more important changes is that users will now be able to search for and sort attorneys by whether their firms explicitly state on their websites that they specialize in Title IX or student conduct matters. We have also added or improved upon an array of other data.

These changes have been made as a lead-up to larger release that we will announce ahead of the anticipated release of the Title IX regulations in October. Below are the changes.

New and Improved Data and Features

Users can now view, search, and sort attorney and law firm data via the following seven new (and one improved) data points:

  • Title IX Specialist Firm? (New): a simple “Yes/No” indicator of whether the firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters. This data point is only available for attorneys and firms representing Title IX respondents. The intention of this field is to allow users – particularly Title IX respondents – to more efficiently find legal professionals who specialize in this area.

  • Title IX Page (New): if this firm explicitly states on its website that it specializes in Title IX or student disciplinary matters, the link to that page will be provided here. This data point is only available for firms representing Title IX respondents.

  • Title (New): the attorney’s title (Partner, Associate, etc.).

  • State of Firm (New): although users can see a law firm’s state in their address, we have added this as a separate data point so that users can more easily search for firms by the states they are located in.

  • Firm Region (New): the geographic region the firm is located in (Midwest, Northeast, etc.). Regions are based on this map by National Geographic.

  • Direct Line (New): the attorney’s professional direct number.

  • Biography Page (New): a link to the attorney’s biography page on their firm’s website.

  • Data Quality (Improved): the purpose of this data point is to give an at-a-glance sense of how much data we have for this attorney or firm. We have reworked its algorithm so that it gives greater weight to the volume of Title IX litigation we have on record for a given attorney or firm. The result of this change is that attorneys and firms who have litigated a substantial number of such lawsuits will automatically be placed at 3 stars.

Where the New Data Can Be Found

Attorney “detail” pages:

A screenshot of an attorney "details" page. This page displays a list of information we have about this attorney and its firm, such as the attorney's name, whether the attorney represents Title IX respondents or schools, the number of lawsuits the attorney has litigated, and more. Several of the new and updated fields are highlighted, such as the attorney's title, direct line, a link to the attorney's biography page, and so forth.

Attorney search engines:

A search engine for attorneys. Users can search by such terms as whether the attorney represents Title IX respondents or schools, the states the attorney has litigated in, the attorney's litigation volume, and more.

Law firm “detail” pages:

A screenshot of a law firm "details" page. This page displays a list of information we have about this firm, such as whether it represents Title IX respondents or schools, a map to the firm, the firm's name, website, phone number, and so forth. Several of the new and updated fields are highlighted, such as Title IX Specialist, Firm Region, Firm Data Quality, and so forth.

Law firm search engines:

A screenshot of a search engine for law firms. Users can search by such terms as whether the firm represents Title IX respondents or schools, the state and geographic region the firm is located in, whether the firm specializes in Title IX matters, and more.

And attorney and law firm tables:

A screenshot of a table of attorneys for Title IX respondents. Users can sort the table by whether the firm specializes in Title IX issues, the amount of such lawsuits they have litigated, and more. The table also shows other information, such as the firm's address and website.

Since the relaunch of this platform in November 2018, this is the thirty-second upgrade we have made to our databases in general and the seventh upgrade of data and features regarding attorneys.

More on the way!

Thank You for Reading

If you like what you have read, feel free to sign up for our newsletter here:

Support Our Work

If you like our work, consider supporting it via a donation or signing up for a database.

About the Author

Title IX for All is a U.S.-based organization that advocates fairness and equal treatment in education. Our main activities are database development, writing, counseling, publishing, research, public speaking, and networking.

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Attorneys Directory

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